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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Just to explain the toilet gymnastics, using CT’s weird babystool diagram, my knees are at 90° when laying the cable. They’re at 120-130° when I’m “standing”. Contrary to what the G-man thinks, I don’t jump up from the bog and dance around the bathroom, randomly rubbing my hoop against any handy bits of cloth.
  2. Squatter. I raise my arse from the seat, allowing me better crevice access. Having thighs like Chris Hoy and a Magnum Dong, there’s not a lot of room for my equally large forearms to swill about in the festering pot. Basically, because I’m not an anorexic, hung like a Chinese mouse, my booty needs to see daylight. Clean bot? You must squat.
  3. On second thoughts, he’s probably stuck to the seat.
  4. I’m assuming he stood up to wipe, like any civilised person would.
  5. Your lass told me she calls it Bumblebee.
  6. Got to give credit where it’s due- it’s some feat to be pictured having a shit in your seat and have as many comments about your terrible haircut as the filthy act itself.
  7. Why don’t you ask him… … oh wait
  8. The CNN article is authored by someone called Carma His family are basically doubling down on the idiocy too. Fuck ‘em.
  9. Steve Wraith is looking over his shoulder and sweating- there’s a new kid in town.
  10. Of course he did. #waltermitty #newballsplease #heronfoods #trampsnest
  11. The lovely young lady behind the bar slipped a roofie in your Caffreys- she’s a known mycophile.
  12. That’s fair enough, he can’t do anything bar polish the turds he’s got until January. Speaking of which, has the Mrs. got latex gloves?
  13. My take from this, is how would it have played out under Bruce? We’d have been fucking trounced. Without a doubt. Howe has made a significant difference to the same set of players we were all fucked off with, in a very short time. I’m under no illusions that he can’t get too much more out of them, but there’s the January window to bring in the players needed. It’s there to be done ( staying up), and if he pulls it off it’ll be remarkable, tbh, but it’s not yet impossible.
  14. How should he have approached this game then? Before the match, and then once we went to ten men? How would you have done it?
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