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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. She wasn’t shy about whipping them out either.… … so I’m told
  2. Which, in the grand tradition of Daddism, leads me to the greatest ever name of a business. Yes, it’s in Ayr, yes it’s a guitar shop. When I walked past it I nearly exploded with sheer joy.
  3. In a strange case of synchronicity that Stang out of the Police would definitely approve of, Johnny Mathis is one of Grandma Fist’s all time favourites, so I grew up with his velvet tones. She’s always been very open to sexuality’s and lifestyles other than the norm, (even though she’s as vanilla as Mark Toneys), which is no great shock given her youth growing up at the Club a Go Go, but her choice of how she expresses it makes me laugh at times. “ Oh yes, Johnny- voice of an angel… always a bachelor though…” She’s an absolute diamond
  4. Grandma Fist ( 81), has just come out with these words of wisdom, apropos of absolutely sod-all. “ Once you’ve had your dinner, you’re buggered, aren’t you?” I think we can all take something from this.
  5. Fist Jnr. who’s 11, decided off his own bat to save up and buy presents for me, his Mam, sister and Grannies, which I thought was a lovely thing to do. He got me this… … and fully lived up to his nickname of The Knacker… I’ve also had a beard for the past 3-4 years I’ve had his bloody life this morning.
  6. @Howmanheyman My gift to you. https://www.photofunny.net/cat-christmas/cap-de-papa-noel-photomontage Merry Christmas mate
  7. Why is CT posting pics of his bald head ?
  8. If would if only evil fuckers stopped posting pics of Denise Squelch
  9. All done- waiting for the family to piss off to church and I’ll have cheeky beer or several. Happy Christmas lads. Obligatory Christmas titties…
  10. Sprouts, curried cauli, duck eggs, and beer. Aye,Rancid Christmas
  11. I’m in full-on prep mode now, most of the veg is done/prepped, Turkey is buttered and baconed ready to cook tomorrow morning, cracking on with roast cauli and spinach curry and lamb meatball and lentil currys for Boxing Day now. Dinner should take about 45 mins tomorrow to roast the spuds, parsnips, carrots and stuffing balls. Reheat the curry’s in the slow cookers and bang some rice in the rice cooker on Boxing Day- sorted! edit; Also making duck-egg scotch eggs for Boxing Day- 2 veggie, 6 black pudding, 6 regular sausagemeat.
  12. Happy Early Christmas upside down folks.
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