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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I can’t believe those purple cunts are ahead.
  2. What? You’ve posted some squiggly lines. Tell me what this shows
  3. Before we accept “ half giraffe” as a new unit, we need to settle the important (related) question of how would a giraffe wear pants? or
  4. Is this the week CT finally gets the hang of Googling something before asking us to do it for him?
  5. Longstaff was out injured- use the search function on the Google machine, fucking luddite
  6. Another Kamagra freak
  7. I was waiting for him to bring on Gloomski.
  8. His lass’s OnlyFans is something else, mind
  9. He was also chronically impotent, and basically ate viagra for breakfast… to no avail.
  10. Joelinton? Also, Aye, apart from very nearly getting the whole board shut down for one of his little crusades, he was top notch
  11. There’s only one Nigerian Prince that matters
  12. Worldle Geography filled a few minutes today- same crack as wordle but you get an outline map of a country. After each guess you get the distance from the solution country, the direction, and a percentage of letters in the name. Free app etc
  13. It was only 10ft wide man! ( that’s roughly half a giraffe).
  14. How the fuck did you dig this up?
  15. It’s got me baffled tbh Why pick a giraffe as the animal you’re going use half of as a descriptor? If it’s the bottom half, there’s some weight and mass involved- if it’s the top half, we’re talking a wee head and neck… They could have said… a bison- About 10ftish, no need to imagine only half of it, but if you did, it’d be fucking weighty whichever half you pictured. But …why even compare it to a half( or a whole) animal, of any kind? Just say “ 10ft wide asteroid” and I’m sure everyone can picture it perfectly.
  16. So, a 10ft wide asteroid landed off the cost of Iceland 2hrs after it was first spotted. The Daily Hate decided that the best way to describe a 10ft asteroid was “ about the size of half a giraffe” https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-10610491/amp/Asteroid-half-size-giraffe-strikes-Earth-coast-Iceland.html What the fuck are they snorting?
  17. Nah, he said comedians. You can have that one for free
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