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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I imagine their line is that since the PL determined that there is separation between the PIF and the state, they don’t need to address it … or something. Alternatively, The Fragrant Ms. Staveley could release an official statement… ” Here man, fuck off!” That’d do it.
  2. Hi Mehrdad Thanks for buying us. Out of interest, does Amanda like it up the wrong’un or nay?
  3. That’s like saying to a starving man ” Hey, it’s ok, I’ve got food. You can have some” Then eating it all, shitting it out in to a bowl and saying “Tuck in”
  4. Edwards will be choking on his wine and chicken- that’s 4/5ths odour transfer kitty!
  5. Aside from what he brings to the side, his signing may help persuade a few more top quality players to join us this window, if they were wavering over the relegation issue?
  6. I know it’s from 2019, but that lass Ayatollah recommended , Rosalie Cunningham, has been getting lots of plays from me.
  7. “ We feel as new owners that a fresh start is needed- we’d like to thank Wayne and his team for their great efforts, but we feel a more experienced head coach is what we need at this point.”
  8. “ Dad, are you suuure I’m a polar bear?”
  9. The problem with that though, as we know all too well, is that Mike Ashley’s money doesn’t get spent.
  10. The post was certainly textbook Gloom
  11. Also, Shiraz. The answer for Ken is always Shiraz ( if you hit the emoticon button then scroll all the down, Ken, you’ll find the old TT ones there. )
  12. 1. Go outside. 2. If it’s a bit nippy, go back inside. 3. Switch whatever you want on. 4. Use the time saved to watch Adam Pearson’s latest video.
  13. Can I carry your bag Sir? ” Naah, let ah waalk!”
  14. ( yes, I know it’s not Blair in the pic, but lick iz).
  15. Did you only see 12 triangles, like? 😉
  16. I can see 13 triangles, the answer is 9, and the first word I saw on the grid was “gussets”. Am I a genious?
  17. Banging and Head were definitely factors in his return, but neither were his.
  18. My pig’s tit fingers accidentally sent me back to the first page of this thread- Renty Babe nailing it 5 or 6 posts in.
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