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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. So, was Graeme much of a one for foreplay, or did he just barge in and plant his flag in your centre circle?
  2. Just noticed Gemmill on the right there, struggling to control his Sourness boner and waiting for the right moment to mention Owen’s terrible xG stats.
  3. “ Didn’t have any gold watches, found this in the store cupboard/ boardroom… Happy Retirement Titus!”
  4. Not like them to deny reality when it punches them in the face.
  5. HMS Calzone, given their history of folding.
  6. Fucks sake- Mrs Fist has tested positive, having no doubt picked it up from some mackem skank at work. I’m supposed to be meeting with a parole officer tomorrow re. my brother’s killer, and I’ll be perturbed if it gets cancelled. Perturbed, I tell you!
  7. Rich Energy, the worlds first energy drink made from household electrical goods. #crediblewitness #heronfoods #fightlikealass #business
  8. Sorry to hear about your old man’s troubles Fish, glad they’re being sorted. If you want to cheer him up you could buy him a Stetson and toy guns and start calling him Tex Fitz 👍
  9. Evan Neumann: US Capitol riot suspect gets asylum in Belarus https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-60843262 ” After worrying the Ukrainian authorities were watching him, Mr Neumann says he crossed the border into Belarus on foot in August.” “He added that he has plans "to move my family here," but noted that the decision would ultimately be up to his wife” This bloke is in for a huge wake-up call in the near future…
  10. I walked in to bar in Porthmadog and ordered in English and the whole place , staff included, started speaking in Welsh, having been chatting away in English as we came in. I let them pour the pints then walked out- put that in your pipes, early 1990s Welsh Nationalists!
  11. I reckon Billy would improve his image a hundredfold if he embraced the bald and shaved the lot off…
  12. It looks fucking bogging, doesn’t it- everything deep fried to fuck, bacon looking like it’s still oinking, and portions smaller than Gemmill’s Chinese mouse That, or he’s just had his annual comb of the beard and this is the haul.
  13. #business #bamp #wewerewearwhere #heronfoods #vanlife #hostelvibes
  14. “ So, why am I being asked to leave, boss?” ” Two dozen bottles does not constitute ‘a taste’ , Mr. Heyman!”
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