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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Home. Mildly befuddled. * * arseholed
  2. In the Town Mouse, waiting for my brother to arrive for a mild, middle-aged afternoon sesh on the ales. Very civilised, so far. Target is to make it to The Cumberland/ Free Trade whichever by teatime without falling over
  3. I think you’re in a rancid puddle of one, mate.
  4. He dedicated “ Don’t Stand So Close To Me” to them.
  5. With only one hand as well, man has skills.
  6. As a newly baptised Irishman, I can’t wait to cheer our lads on with a pint of Guinness and a packet of Taytos, so I can’t.
  7. Babybels- they’re Baby Cheesus, and you can’t get holier than that. * * lick me plums.
  8. Aye, sorry to hear about that Rayvin, make sure you look after your wrists and elbows as once they’re done, they’re done. Make sure you get somewhere with a garden so you can put a shed up. I’ve tore the neck off that joke , so I’ll stop now.
  9. The random shortages are entirely due to the ongoing lack of HGV drivers.… … because of Brexit. Doesn’t help that the DVLA are slower than a mackem walking past a playground at sending out licenses.
  10. But when you sit on the freshly laid patio you still feel a “closeness”?
  11. Gemmill went in for gender realignment surgery and the doctor took a look and said, “ It seems to be healing very well…”
  12. Depends - on a scale of 👱🏻‍♂️to 👨🏿‍🦲, how often does he turn his back on the ball?
  13. Not my area of knowledge at all, but aren’t some trans people also gay, and some not? They haven’t thought this knee-jerk through, have they Jeff?
  14. Hope it went as well as funerals can, mate. They’re absolute roller-coasters emotionally.
  15. I reckon they’ve challenged themselves to a Cunt-Off.
  16. @catmag, you’ll want to avoid this last page
  17. Demba Baaaa return on the cards…
  18. The only cunts worse are the cunts that vote them in.
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