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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. A Study in Bemusement … ” Mama, why do these fat people keep taking photos of us?” ” I don’t know, mija “ ” Did Papi do something wrong?” ” No, angel, just smile, they’ll go away soon” ” But they don’t, Mama, they keep making us hold flags, and they smell like old churros” ” What is a sunderland, Mama?” ” I don’t know niña, I’ve never heard of it”
  2. “One in the eye for Derrum Mags, marra! “ I’m not sure what he’s getting at here, but I can smell the desperation
  3. There’s a Viz advert for everything
  4. Aye, but, small boats. Or something
  5. And everyone thought she was green because she was an alien. Galloping fanny rot, innit?
  6. I knew when I was in Scotland - they all told me.
  7. Drove through here on the way to Cornhole-on-Tweed today. Lots of middle aged blerks in snazzy shirts , out for a stroll with their fine looking nieces.… Couldn’t understand a word, mind.
  8. Did you at least get to call the canteen Sabu & Gunga Din’s Chicken Curry with Rice Parlour?
  9. I like the one where he’s in a seemingly innocuous situation and somehow, something gets misconstrued, leading to him and others shouting over each other. Later, at a lunch with his shouty mates, and maybe some celebrity guest, they shout some more. Eventually he realises he fucked up.
  10. Ring me later, yeah? Place is full of snakes.
  11. I was sitting on a bench having my bait the other when this old dear came and sat down with her chihuahua. It kept jumping up at my ankles, begging for some tasty morsels, so I turned to the old biddy and said “ Is it ok if I throw your wee dog a bit?” ” Of course, yes” she said. So picked the little rat up and chucked it in to the traffic.
  12. Word to the wise, tick “safe search” if you look up Truss Sounding on google.
  13. I think there are some details missing tbh. DISH THE DIRT! WHO IS THE BUSINESS?
  14. Reminds me of that classic Beach Boys track. “ Help Me Louise”
  15. There a pound signs involved. Wolf Jerky only deals in pennies.
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