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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I wouldn’t worry mate- no fucker will even mention it by next season. 🙏 🙏
  2. Are you saying you don’t like him ?
  3. I reckon the Saudis should buy sunderland … … not just the club, the whole place. Then level it and build our new trophy warehouse.
  4. If my best man took me to the SoS on my stag do I’d shag his Mrs. then his Mam.
  5. That’s almost Viz Top Tip material.
  6. I was going to make a joke about her badly packed Mexican kebab, but poorly-constructed burrito jokes get a bad wrap.
  7. I think they’ve probably seen a few clips that have been properly filmed, edited and engineered, but done “fan tv” style and thought they could do it too with their Dad’s twenty year old digi-cam. It’s like Jackass- stupidest idea for a tv show, but done professionally, which spawned an epidemic of turbo-shite copycats.
  8. If he ever needs help, I’ve got years of experience filming lasses dribbling with balls…
  9. It’s the shroud they use for the 6,500+ dead construction workers.
  10. Não. Estes são apenas gatos grandes e feios
  11. His sister is the Nirvana fan, his current favourite band is the White Stripes.
  12. If that’s the reason he’s gone loopy it would be fucking hilarious
  13. ⭐⭐ some redeeming features ( the look one their faces btw, , “his tits are bigger than ours!”)
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