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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I hope they go full-retard, the noise of an entire village gently rocking away in the corner of their Mam’s lofts whilst stabbing pictures of Sam Fender and random Arabs will be like a choir of angels
  2. He’ll be claiming poverty because of the rising energy costs, whilst marinating his fungi in the hot tub, under the outdoor lighting. Life’s tough on the Tory breadline.…
  3. When you think where we were at Christmas, if he doesn’t win manager of the season I’ll be… … well, not in the least bit shocked, our end of the table doesn’t count, but we know what he’s done is remarkable.
  4. As long as Lizzy the German is alive there’s zero chance of it even being discussed here… … so, give it a few weeks and we can ask
  5. I’ve decided I’m only going to use Auf Wiedersehen memes as replies tonight, so.
  6. Is she going to pay back-taxes for the millions she’s scammed us for? No? Then kindly fuck off Mrs. Midget-fucker.
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