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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Read that only about 5% of the worlds cheese uses animal rennet, this article goes in to a bit more detail, and mentions some that still do- e.g. Parmesan, Roquefort, Brie de Meaux
  2. But a pound of that is half a pound of holes! Rip-off Britain
  3. Fair enough mate … … sitter, obvs.
  4. I have never understood the appeal of McDonalds. Even amongst other fast food burger joints, it’s burgers are fucking rank. And if you’re in Newcastle, there’s so many places to get a proper, decent burger now that you’re spoilt for choice.
  5. He looks like what you’d get if you went in to any one of the 37 Turkish Barbers in Forest Hall, with a picture of Scott Parker and said, “ I want that , Stavros “
  6. Steaming in with a full load…
  7. The stuff the supermarkets sell as Red Leicester does have its uses mind. Recipe Take 500g of Tesco Red Leicester Pre-heat oven to 200°c for 5 minutes Cut cheese in to thick slices. Turn off oven Bin the fucking lot.
  8. Pairs beautifully with a Gregg’s pasty sandwich.
  9. I’ve not, no… reminds me too much of a painful break-up.
  10. Sticky Vicky Wonder what she lists as occupation on her passport?
  11. Is the secret place in Jesmond a really grate cheese monger?
  12. Any stattos know how many minutes he played in those two years?
  13. Just make sure you type “Pooh" and “Bear” in that order when googling it. Unless you like black pudding with cranberries..…
  14. I’ll bet it feels more like a slow. Cheese, wine, olives, charcuterie- mmmmmmm.
  15. I know cheddar gets shit on by chipsters like us, but my mother-in-law buys hers from Fenwicks and makes cheese scones which are at least 60% cheese. She has three daughters, their spouses (self included),and seven grand kids, and we all know when it’s “scone day”, and if anyone takes more than their allotted scone allowance their is absolute, all out, mildly pissed-off war They are the best cheese scones I’ve ever had, am ever likely to have, and I’ve told her if she doesn’t give me the recipe in her will, I’ll have her revived just so that I can kill her again.
  16. I hope he knows not to put the tea in before the milk.
  17. Since it’s cheese, surely it’s the Yoni ?
  18. Every couple of months I go up to Blagdon for a cheese fest, you can get some really nice stuff there. I love a really good, nutty Red Leicester, and some of the Northumberland Nettle cheese is amazing. Not a great fan of blue cheeses tbh, I’ll have a little snifter now and then but mostly, bleurch. As far as French cheese, Comte, Cantal, Mimolette, Yogi , and occasionally a goats cheese ( Picodon de l’Ardeche if you can get it ), that’s been melted and dumped on a green salad- lush.
  19. Did you listen to it? Does he use the phrase, “hot take”?
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