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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. It probably will, which is both terrifying and utterly depressing, since it’s such a fucking pointless conflict - pointless in its initial cause, Putin’s fragile ego, not defending Ukraine and NATO allied neighbours.
  2. England is North, South, East and West of Wales. Newcastle is West of Southampton
  3. Here’s one for you @Craig If you could sail in a perfectly straight line, you could set out from New York and arrive in Perth, Western Australia. You’d arrive in Perth from the south, too.
  4. Hartlepool is further north than the southernmost point of mainland Scotland.
  5. South Shields Metro is further north than West Jesmond Metro. Good day to you, sirs.
  6. No idea where to post these, so I picked the most pointless thread I could find on the first two pages.… Aaaanyway
  7. I can’t tell if this is dripping with sarcasm or genuine.
  8. For Sale- A Delightful Family Home in Grindon.
  9. Bruce is far and away the worst manager, by any and every measure, that we’ve had post-Keegan. Which is some achievement when you think we had Joe Fucking Kinnear.
  10. The fucking cheek! Once, in your sorry life , you jumped ship from Cunt Central, and now you’re Fidel Castro, champion of the left? How’s the Best PM of Your Lifetime getting on, by the way, now that he’s got away scot-free with causing Brexit ( which you voted for- aye?). Left any more of his kids at the pub? As I said, Bluer than Chubby Brown’s jokebook.
  11. The piss taking of this poor, earnest lad who’s heartily concerned about cripples or whatever is an unpleasant side of this board I’d not seen. The Committee have decided that we will have to take steps to stop this happening again.
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