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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. That might be why? No snark there btw, just an observation.
  2. Did you live in a shoebox in t‘middle of t’road?
  3. That’s her, perfectly summarised. I reckon she thinks she’s putting herself in the running for Leader with all these interviews- I really hope she runs, just to hear her bullshit when she loses at the first hurdle
  4. I had to double-check who posted this as I just assumed it was our Dear Leader posting a selfie.
  5. Remember that weird spell of West Brom based WUMs coming on here a while back? Anyone fancy a raiding party
  6. He’s given his son a job as coach. That’s the highly-regarded, vastly experienced coach, Alex Bruce. Who has just passed his coaching tickets. Still…
  7. Monkeys Fist


    You must miss the hats, though?
  8. Someone should send this to Cardiff with an instruction booklet. I’ll get me coat
  9. Monkeys Fist


    Not been on here for ages.
  10. So, I’m facing a massive hike in my bills because office wankers were living it up in hot-tubs whilst I was out grafting.
  11. Monkeys Fist


    He’s coming over- said he would C U Next Tuesday.…
  12. Take a nice book and some slippers
  13. Chuckled at that, as if the pilot can hear Chas and Dave doing the filming.
  14. Let’s hope he doesn’t crash then- that would be terrible…
  15. £96 a week? Has Big Niall had you at the pub?
  16. Speaking of planes having dodgy landings in strong winds…watch this I bet the passenger cabin fucking stank after that
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