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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Shift manager at Nissan gave it the thumbs up, so Plod was happy.
  2. 5-0 A double hat trick from the Handsome Chook, with a bit of badge kissing to send the Scouse mackems home to their hovels in fighting mood. Extra-time winner from Ollie Bernard
  3. If the Wimbledon fans don’t pick up all their litter at the end of the match there’s going to be hell on.
  4. You’re not taking in to account that we’ll need a new Trophy Wing…
  5. I think my old man took us to Washington when he went to the old hall? It clearly made a lasting impression
  6. He’d have to find a disabled good buddy to drive for him though.
  7. “Mr. Fist , the tests show you have a degenerative neurological disease “ “Shit Doc, I only came in to have my prostate tickled. “ ” Don’t worry, it’s one of the good ones”
  8. Give him a break- he’s had to attend his Coronation … … I think that’s what he meant when he said, ” Fuck me , I’m crowning! “
  9. He’s got as much right to be King as the real one tbh.
  10. I can recommend a great elocution tutor if you make the move- Tadger Armstrong, lives in Percy Main. Mrs. W. is a Scab, isn’t she? No worries- much like Callum, he does couples too.
  11. Just noticed your avatar Salsica Digitus Rex. The Return of the Sausage.
  12. Totally missed this as I was akip. It who is the official thread starter for the Wombles game now?
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