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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. No-one tell him Tom Holland didn’t really swing about New York, it’ll finish him.
  2. You’ve got a cheek… … well, several.
  3. I neither shit my pants nor beat the shit out of Kelly Le Brock, so no.
  4. Pfft… ( yes, that’s me, in Spain, about 700 years ago).
  5. There’s colonies of them in Fenham Hall Drive allotments and Richardson Dees park in Wallsend, too. Nice to see now and then, but fuck living near the squawking bastards.
  6. Monkeys Fist


    How’d you post this ?
  7. CT going full Gillian McKeith at breakfast tomorrow.
  8. Aye, unfortunately I reflexively hit the stop button when the square headed tit started flapping his gums, so I missed anything our new shortarse-in-chief had to say.
  9. What happened in ‘Nham, stays in ‘Nham.
  10. Piers fucking Corbyn was supposedly one of them. Not surprisingly.
  11. I’m not kink shaming, but… did you at least wipe your seat clean?
  12. Blatantly set this up in his Mam’s kitchen, using left over Pipers from Christmas ( look at the packs) But let’s play along with his fantasy for a minute- why is there twice as many packs of Wolf Jerky left on the (fucking tiny) shelf, compared to the other products? Hmm, is no one buying it?
  13. Just in case anyone is having trouble following who is being referenced here, I’ve done a handy guide here
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