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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Wait until Kyril’s Mam finds out - “ What did you do this year my son?” ” Je bought un football club le Mamski” “ Which one, mon petitski?” ” sunderland!” ”……” ” BUT I HAVE A MAJORITY SHAREHOLDING MAMANSKI!” “ How much?” ” 41% “
  2. If Heaton Stannington paste them 6-in-a-row I might just… … laugh even harder. Fuck ‘em.
  3. Hasn’t been a great week in football for cats getting a kicking, has it ?
  4. So, they are, in fact, owned by a shady cabal of businessmen.
  5. That would be deeeee-licious. It’ll give him a chance to repost those pictures of him stood outside the SOS, before he got moved on for vagrancy.
  6. Fewm. edit; they’re in his replies, begging him to buy them with his £31.56p fortune.
  7. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/confirmed-kld-only-owns-41.1572531/
  8. So you’re basically saying that sitting is inefficient so you swap to the proper method to achieve Nipsicus Sparklinavius?
  9. Whilst he’s having a shite
  10. Aye, you combo-merchant. You’ll be saying “ I just want all the North East sides to do well” next. Pick a side.
  11. I bet he can spell “disabledb twatmalialsielal ” though, eh?
  12. I should probably say, this being Newcastle, I could be utterly wrong here. He’s invigorated the squad, aye, but let’s be honest, after Bruce, a fucking boiled egg could have had the same effect ( I don’t believe this though - Eddie is the boy).
  13. Alex Bruce must be seething reading this, because he will be.
  14. This is the thing- Eddie must be pinching himself every day He’s got the most challenging, but potentially most rewarding job in the Premier League, if not the world of football, and he’s, so far, doing everything right. Even if we do, somehow, fuck it up and go down this season, there’s no one I’d trust more than him to bring us back up, and then kick on up the league again. He’s relatively young for a PL manager, and by his own admission is keen to learn and adapt, which can only be a good thing and rub-off on the squad too. I fucking love the bloke, and I hope he’s around long enough to win us out first cup, whatever that may be.
  15. It’s probably very premature of me, but that won’t the first or last time, but I honestly think that he could end up as a less charismatic, but just as important to the club, Keegan type figure. There are certain parallels with KK’s time that I can see being replayed- the club coming out of a seriously shite period of underinvestment and disengagement with the fans, New owners with a vision, ambition, and a chequebook to make you weep tears of joy. A lack of expectation, for want of a better word, from the media as a whole ( he’s pretty much seen as a stop-gap manager until we’re in a position to challenge the usual suspects). What I’m saying is that I think we’ve got someone in him who’s not yet the finished product, but definitely has the potential to be excellent, much like the club, and if it goes well I’d like to see him given the chance to grow with us, instead of getting some “name” gaffer in a few years. If he gets it right, and he’s got the financial clout so it’s purely down to him making the right choices, and he wins us our first silverware in almost a lifetime, he’s got himself Legendary status… and I honestly think he’s the bloke to do it. There.
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