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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Other than Leazes Park, and the City Stadium area off in Shieldfied, that’s about the only area of land anywhere near big enough whilst still being in the City. I’d say it would be easiest to get planning on too, since there’s not too much around it.
  2. They’re Grade 1 Listed - going nowhere. I’d rather rebuild the stadium elsewhere than touch those buildings.
  3. Sir Les’ showing his Pickford forearms
  4. Here he is just before he hits the ground- notice the trees in the background … Here he is on the ground. See the grass and dead, brown underbrush that he’s standing on. Also the trees, in the background, that he’s much lower than.
  5. That’s some skilled drone pilot, going from inside a very cramped plane, to instantly adjusting speed for when he steps out of the plane. Whos flying it? Also, you see that it’s attached to his helmet when, at the very end, he takes his helmet off and tosses it on the ground.
  6. I wonder if that lad still has Andy Cole on his leg? Ok, I just looked him up- fucking hell
  7. We should all chip in and buy Gandaft a Megabus ticket so he can get some fresh pics outside of sunderland’s main attractions- erm… The Glass Place The Empire? Have they got a Gregg’s?
  8. Seriously? ( titties and ass lie therein ).
  9. Why would he do that when he can make three times as much as a steward?
  10. Funny you should mention that, as just yesterday my neighbour beat his Mrs. up with a fiddle and was then arrested for domestic violins.
  11. Nah- I went on the rigs with it 2018-ish then jacked it in during lockdown- arthritis has fucked my hands, hips, feet, knees etc. ( I haven’t got it in my jaw, yet ).
  12. He can lick my taint too, if he’s up for it?
  13. If it was anyone else I’d be mildly irked, but Podcast Percy can lick my taint.
  14. I’ve just had a massive shit, one-wipe special too. What’ve I missed ?
  15. Because Newcastle city centre is relatively small, I imagine they’re pretty stringent. I hope they are, anyway.
  16. The link below provides direct links to the planning portal, direct email addresses, and gives guidelines on how to most effectively structure your comments. https://mailchi.mp/8bb9b0a23032/something-festive-this-way-comes-11313622?fbclid=IwAR2NmKgs6RmkRWZje29mzXyFEi2Y0hT3mhgKxEExkNCXZbkEFvauzU-NRmM
  17. Aye, it’s a fucking shitshow of a building. If enough objections are made, they’ll scale it down- hopefully.
  18. So, basically I’m asking everyone that can be arsed to submit an objection to the planning committee for the proposed 18 storey tower to be built right in front of the Free Trade and Tyne bar. The closing date for objecting is 17th Feb, two days away, so get your skates on. More about it here. https://www.ouseburntrust.org.uk/igloo-dev?fbclid=IwAR06uAhXywuO7KHBFC_ufvL4aTVsvssc6WjLc8N6xL_y2DbYfVBLcW6N3lY This wouldn’t just be a disaster for the two bars mentioned above, it’d fuck up the entire Ouseburn and quayside area. Please fire off a quick email stating your objection here If you scroll down to the bottom of that link, you can read submitted objections - they mention inadequate parking, inappropriate scale of the building compared to surroundings, adverse effects on congestion, adverse effects to existing businesses. The Tyne Bar have commissioned a report, have a look at their Facebook page. Objections close on the 17th- after that it’s tough titty, they’ll build the fucking thing. Cheers 👍
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