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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I just can’t imagine Howe allowing us to put in a performance like they have when we’re chasing 4th midway through next season.
  2. On top of his Parkinson’s? What a shame.
  3. Aye, he should be next on the “list”.
  4. I’m pretty sure Sir Bobby would look at the Wor Flags, the unity, the incredible turnaround in players’ ability and attitude and be like…
  5. Sun’s out after pissing down all day. Gloomy walking in to the Trent …
  6. Does he actually do any match reports, btw, or has he gone full troll?
  7. He’s lately whining on about Twitter not being the place to discuss the Saudis in relation to NUFC as it’s impossible to avoid conflict. Oh really, I wonder why that might be, EH LUKE?
  8. That bloke howking his dinner up over the hoarding after walking through one of CT’s Keto clouds.
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