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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. If you don’t do it like this, you’re dead to me.
  2. Aye, please elaborate on the gravy train?
  3. Who goes on a pub crawl on their own?.… … Luke does. Not another drink on the table, blatantly set the timer and jumped back in the seat.
  4. Must’ve been mad before we had calendars and names for days and months. “ Hey Ugg, remember to meet me here at the big tree after you have slept, got up, slept, got up again, then slept and got up. We’re going Mammoth hunting” ” Shit man, I can’t, I’m dropping some shrooms and sitting in a cave painting horses then. How about after I’ve slept and got up, slept and got up again after that? “ ” This is bullshit, can someone invent days and months please?”
  5. I wonder if he knows he’s shit, and is just taking the paydays, or if he genuinely believes he’s a talented manager? The fact he took this WBA job when he’d as good as said he was retiring after us makes me think the second option, but if you’d been as consistently shite in your career as him, from start to finish, you’d have to have at least some awareness that you’re not that good?
  6. Johnson is also slang for dick, though, so there’s that. 👍
  7. Just watched that again. Terry Mac and Dogleash going bonkers after Shearer’s winner… …Look at Lawrenson
  8. Just caught Fist Jnr. shoving a yellow and green wire up his nipsy. That’s him grounded. * I’ll see myself out.
  9. The best thing about this is that he looked at it, edited it, looked at it again, and thought, “ Aye, that’s better!”
  10. I’m surprised his “PR Team” didn’t pick up on the fact that he’s making it look like sunderland segregate their young fans of colour from the rest of the young fans.… … but that’s probably because all his “teams” are him.
  11. I’ve got a 7pm delivery to Alston..… Great. ( had an evacuation before work so no stops in the woods ).
  12. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60431248 Easy, easy … big swing!
  13. You can 100% guarantee that if that ever got built, some whopper would move in and then complain about the noise.
  14. It would definitely tie-in with their stated aim of regeneration, as the area is a fucking shit-tip at the minute, but it’s only 5 minutes from the current ground. With money and imagination it could be awesome. The only constraints I can see are a (disused?) rail line to the north, the Redheugh to the east, and the river, but even within those boundaries there’s shitloads of space.
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