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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I heard he was sacked for not giving some lad the exact same haircut every single one of the 3,500 Turkish barbers in Newcastle does, regardless of what the punter asks for.
  2. Ah! I was actually stuck in traffic there, working for Sainsburys. Didn’t realise it was due to a BBQ though. Was the barber involved or did the Chronic stick him in the headline just because his shop was closest?
  3. Speaking of shagging accountants… … this is fucking insane https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/surfing/68856022 28m is just over 93ft. ( The road deck of the Tyne Bridge is 84ft above the river, for comparison).
  4. Apparently someone has set themselves on fire outside the court where Trump is on trial. I hope it’s one (less) of his cultists.
  5. Is that close to Ponteland Airport, marra?
  6. I saw an ad for your Mrs. new business today.
  7. He looks like he’s in the middle of shitting his keks
  8. They must know that they’re fucking toast, they must. Which makes shit like that, and small boats, and Rwanda, etc etc all the more jaw droppingly malicious, as they know they’ve got little hope of it lasting, if they get in to law at all. Take reducing disability benefits- without even going into the rights or wrongs of reducing it, let’s say they force it through just before they get booted to fuck, and people in receipt of that benefit suffer a cut in 3-4payments until the GE. Even if Labour reinstated the previous level of payment, on their first day in power, that’ll already be too late for 10s of thousands of people who will now be in debt because of the cut. It’s just so unfathomably evil and unnecessary, especially when you look at how much public money was given to their pals during the pandemic to fail to produce products or services. They truly are fucking scum.
  9. You just have to hope that most people can see that they’re now trying to hobble the next incoming government with their unwanted, unneeded batshit policies.
  10. He must be the only Tory that Liz Truss hasn’t shagged.
  11. Can anyone think of a single benefit that Brexit has brought? Just the one will do.
  12. Aye, holiday ended yesterday, it’ll take 3 yrs just to get the feckin foundations dug at this rate. He can kiss goodbye to his Blob unless he gets stuck in.
  13. Looks like they now identify as gunt.
  14. When did Johnson start banging his current horse-faced Mrs? Was it before the NDA with Ms. Fleet in 2017, or was he still married to his previous baby provider?
  15. I did when I saw the pic.
  16. I filled my Escort up with diesel yesterday by mistake. She died.
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