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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I also hung the banners on the outside of the Gallowgate for the 2012 Olympics matches. That was fun.
  2. Tbf, you’re ruling out a large proportion of the home and away fans there too. Rather than their age, I’d choose their fuck-knucklery as a reason to dismiss them, which also, conveniently, covers Mr. Wraith.
  3. It was, aye. We’d access the sloping glass on the concourse roof from there.
  4. I’d like to know the thoughts of Adam Paedson, Steve Wraith and Holly Whosname on this… Preferably in a 10:09 minute long video, guys.
  5. Ah, but were you; Black? Muslim? From anywhere East of Greys Monument? Kissing a bloke on the bus?
  6. Never had you pegged as a Betty Boo fan… .…pegged…
  7. “jego buty” since you asked…
  8. The battles in Last Kingdom have their moments
  9. They should just fly in circles around SJP for the duration of the game
  10. I’ve started a petition to reinstate them on change.org We only need 10,000 signatures.
  11. Recommend dosage- 1x 5ml spoonful twice a day. CT- necks 6 FUCKING LITRES! Boldon Dogs car park 20 minutes later…
  12. Love it- I like mine with chicken and pickled veg.
  13. Watched the final episode of The Last Kingdom* last night. 5 seasons, 8-10 x1hour-long episodes in each. Very good, (although I’m disappointed Eadith never whipped out the pups), and looking forward to the movie length “absolutely final, definitely no more after this” special which they’ve just wrapped filming earlier this year. * It’s about a Saxon lad, Uhtred, born a Saxon, brought up a Dane, who fights and shags his way round the country at the time of King Alfred- GoT meets Vikings, without the dragons and nonsense. More than 50% of the characters are called Aethelsomething - Aethelred, Aethefrith, Aethelstan, Aethelflaed, Aethelhelm, Aethelwold. Based on Bernard Cornwall’s historical novels.
  14. Go easy on him- must be hard growing up when you’re called Bum Sex.
  15. It’s incredibly difficult to accurately portray someone with sketching, which just shows how good this court artist actually is.
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