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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. They all need to chill… … some grapes.
  2. #tuesdayvibes #architecture #stickycarpet #heronfoods #snug #business
  3. He’s found 50p and inflated the tyres on the caravan- moving to Pennywell.
  4. “ The aal sound forrin and the aal end with an “i”, must be the same…FTM”
  5. Very sorry to hear that Strawb. He’ll have been glad his loved ones were with him, too.
  6. Speaking of “one-offs”, you’ll feel back to your normal self once you’ve had a “tester” without your heart exploding - Hope it all works out well, though, if they do put a turbo in, don’t forget to let them know you’re UK born, and so they need to reverse all polaritys. 😉
  7. Tbf, he’d have to spend some of it on them first
  8. Out of all that, the thing that surprised me most was being reminded El Hadji Diouf played for them
  9. I knew it looked familiar
  10. The conversation at the barbers… “ What style would you like, tovarich?” ” Motorbike helmet” ” No, no, Komrad Roman, I can do yo…” ” MOTORBIKE HELMET! “ “Da”
  11. If nothing else, he wants locking up for life with no parole for this fucking crime against hair
  12. I honestly felt myself improving just from the act of seeking help. I had a poor experience of therapists after my brother was killed, so I swerved the offer and went straight for the Garys.
  13. Won’t be sold to Saudis then, that takes at least 18 months.
  14. I’m guessing he’s asking us because of our previous owner’s abysmal record with his employees, giving birth in work toilets etc? Isn’t he?
  15. Just picturing Renton stood in a field in the pissing rain, getting bombarded by seagulls, raging at the world as he digs up yet another rusty fucking spoon… ” YOU CUNTS SAID THIS WOULD MAKE ME FEEL BETTER!!!!!!”
  16. That’s him at the back though
  17. He’ll be in big trouble if that pic makes it back to his boss at Initial, they take a very dim view of their cleaners using client equipment. #walter #heronfoods #part-timeworkers #cleanthatupbitch #tramp
  18. I’m not a gambling man, but wanna bet? They’ll be wanking themselves daft.
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