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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Slightly over-egging your little pudding, aren’t you?
  2. It’s a great idea, and sound marketing that you’ve posted it on a message board that… … allows people to talk about football games when they are being played live, for free.
  3. I’m going for Min Jeeta and Norma Sass. wibble.
  4. Mate of mine posted this on Farcebook. He’s braver than me
  5. For our American chums who may be confused by trophyshy’s post, he means zucchini. Hope that helps, marras.
  6. Yeah, imagine the kind of scum that spits on their own manager, eh? They truly are the gift that keeps on giving.
  7. If I were in charge at our place, I’d wait it out until November, then spend £5 Million on the most ridiculously lavish and over produced “Welcome to the club Dan” video and press presentations, just to say to Brighton and anyone else thinking of inflating their demands, ” We can afford it, but FUCK YOU!”
  8. Terry Hibbitt going sockless there on the right, the fucking hipster.
  9. Attenborough has a one-off special airing next Friday 15th on BBC. They’ve spent the last three years at a fossil site called Tanis in North Dakota which provides evidence of the day the meteor struck. Article here. I absolutely love shit like this- they’ve found a leg, amongst other things, which is virtually intact ( muscle, skin, etc) that they think was torn off when the river surge/tsunami hit.
  10. Too Low For Zero (Interest). Also, I can’t believe I didn’t hit this first… The Captain And The Kid.
  11. Poor bloke looks like he needs to empty his colostomy bag.
  12. I hope he does a special version of this for them… ” On a river … where …they … *quick breath …used to build the boats“ They’d flood the place with manky jizz.
  13. Dropped off a fuck load of shopping ( mostly Jack Daniel’s 😂) at a place in Tranwell Woods earlier. Fuck me, it makes Darras Hall look like the Garths in Killy.
  14. Other physical identifiers- when they screech “ 6 in a rower, marra!” and hold up one hand.
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