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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Nah, he doesn’t even drink coffee, much less make it.
  2. And they say the Premier League is fast paced…
  3. It has to be said, ( well, not really, but I’m going to anyway), that the young QEII had quite a rack. reported.
  4. There are more chins in that picture than a Hong Kong … … reported.
  5. Thats Nirvana level lip-synch skills. ( I knew of her, but didn’t know much about her- bloody hell… her wiki page is a bit of a rollercoaster! ).
  6. “ not something we’d be getting in to” was their response to being asked if he’d jumped the queue. So, aye, of course he fucking did.
  7. I strongly believe that Thatcher fucking the unions, and making trades become contractors, has had a huge influence in the “fuck you, I’m alright Jack” society we now have. Whereas with strong unions, the concept of strength through togetherness and looking out for everyone was front and centre in the minds of the vast majority of working people, now you have multiple small businesses trying to fuck each other over to win the contract, the result being a whole generation of working class Tories. It’s fucked up how many blokes I worked with who were “nice, decent, working blokes” who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire if they could make a fast buck from it.
  8. Nice bit chill-out for a sunny afternoon Edit; I highly recommend looking up the translated lyrics.
  9. I wish my working week was this short.
  10. Aye, they’re basically attempting Concertwashing. Risible
  11. I reckon there’ll be one or two shitting in their seats when they hear this #bittermag #vicreeves #imdilldanding
  12. That lass on the right’s jacket was white at the start of the night.
  13. Andrew- “ I think I’ll get some decking this weekend” Mrs. Andrew- “ But we don’t have a garden?” Andrew - “ Yis…” I’ll just report myself …
  14. There was a transvestite chap that used to run a TV repair shop in Forest Hall back in the 1990s, which always amused me.
  15. If they’re hitting The Western Bypass at 3:30pm or thereabouts, they’ll be lucky to hit 30mph tbh.
  16. There are 67.22 million people in the Uk, and Wykiki HATES THEM ALL!
  17. https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/20216092.fuel-crisis-protestors-plan-slow-drive-a1-friday/
  18. I won’t be either.… it’ll not sound crazy!
  19. I’ll give him 36hrs at best before he’s back on spouting shite.
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