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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Who said anything about pre-rigor morris? When it sets in it’s like they’re playing hard-to-get…
  2. Speaking of Kuntsberg, I’m surprised and somewhat disappointed that a woman with such unimpeachable standards and morals has allowed this to happen on her watch. I wonder which of this week’s remaining days we can ether resignation letter to drop? She’s been pictured in discussion with her ethics advisor …
  3. Ciggy vs Four Pack ( of Special Brew)
  4. If you say that quickly it sounds like “ Paedy”
  5. Meh.… alive, not quite so alive… whatever. But NOT a fucking minger!
  6. True, she’d never have had a chance.
  7. Even at her prime, they’re a bit Marty Feldman. I’m fully with Gemmill on this mind, I wouldn’t have given her the steam off my shite.
  8. Also, any “good young coach” is going to fuck off first time a PL club come knocking. Leaving 2nd raters as 2nd fiddlers.
  9. So, you’re saying he’s Chicken Nonce’s superior?
  10. I honestly don’t see how this would ever work- which coach worth his salt is going to fuck on with junior international tournaments for 6-7 years, playing second fiddle waiting for his gaffer to fuck up? If they saw it through, it was only ever going to produce duffers for the top job. Different story at club level, but international? Nah.
  11. One for @wykikitoon Didn’t have Naan,,used a slice of Warburtons Toastie white with some curry powder sprinkled on Which lead to…
  12. I suspect Charlie has eaten Ray Parlour… maybe even several Ray Parlours?
  13. Gott in Himmel , that was quick. For you Mr. Carsley , ze war is over
  14. 👍 As well as its primary purpose of being somewhere nice and shaded* to sit in Summer, it’s very-close-secondary purpose was being somewhere to bury all the smashed bricks and rubble and huge chunks of fucking concrete some cunt had used to make a rockery previously. There’s probably only a few inches of actual soil * it’s south facing and a sun trap, I’m building a frame and planting a load of fast growing climbing plants to grow over it and provide natural shade.
  15. One of my favourite hills, Tryfan. Did you do the Adam and Eve jump at the top?
  16. Nah, little double width brick wall on the inside, buried just under. And the bones, naturally. 👍
  17. That shed behind Quinn was the changing room/gear shed/ tactics HQ.
  18. Alreet cheps? I’ve been somewhat pre-occupied recently, what with driving the Strangle Wagon and trying to get a patio done on my days off. Started with this … tore most of it out, rebuilt the wall and put a gate in last year… Now got a level area ready for sand , then lifting the slabs above, jet wash the buggery out of them, and laying patio … replacing the previous patio above with turf ( not my idea- Mrs. F. can not keep her fecking sneck out anything ). Once I’ve got the slabs down, the temporary shuttering around the tree will be replaced with more sleepers for a raised bed. I’m fucked Also pulled off my greatest slowvertake the other day, came up behind a lad doing 55mph, I was doing 56-57mph. Slowed down for a few minutes to let some cars past then thought “fuck this, I’m getting past him” This was on the two-lane part of the A1 near Grantham. As soon as I indicated I let out an involuntary cackle, and it must’ve taken 15 minutes minimum to slowly but surely inch my way past. He wasn’t slowing, neither the fuck was I I now call this move the Oppenheimer, as I could feel the nuclear waves of rage behind me, and I was like Fucking love it
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