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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I hope he didn’t buy Targett’s gaff, it’ll need a Crime Scene Cleaners company doing their stuff, the manky fucker.
  2. Wykiki’s not arsed as long as he gets a shot on Gordon’s lasses chebs.
  3. Can we have a Best of Wankers video for Chelsea please, like the one posted earlier from the Spuds fans?
  4. Fear of catching the bad AIDS. Going to a club and seeing blokes in suits. MTV when it played music videos. Brazilians ( not the footballers, the quim trims). fucking Le Breves.
  5. Good news for NUWFC, too, this lad. He’s very keen on the gels.
  6. I’m not 100% convinced by this Mitchell bloke’s credentials tbh. I think before I say yay or nay I’ll have to mullet over.
  7. Between dubs and Pope, I wonder who he fancies in nets?
  8. If he does come, we’ll have to drop Carmina Burana, since one of his terms of employment is that all his teams come out to Adagio for Strings. It’s by his favourite composer.
  9. This lad is apparently already combing the European leagues for fringe players, trying to convince them to come to a parting of the ways with their clubs and join us in our crowning glory years.
  10. Don’t you WFH? Shocking behaviour this like.
  11. Keep it up lads. I’m parked in Wideopen and I’ve just seen Gemmill toss his phone away and kick the dog. Seems to be in a bit of a lather.
  12. I’ve heard that he’ll cost more than Ashworth, but if we want success that’s just the price toupé.
  13. Buy good players, win some trophies, rinse and repeat.
  14. Is he working at the minute? Need to be sure the compo deal is realistic and we don’t … … are you ready @Gemmill?… … GET SCALPED!!!!!!!
  15. Has this on my “to read” list for a while, but I keep putting it off…
  16. My old man had a Beige Allegro, quite possibly the shittest car ever made. As if that’s not bad enough, when the first one fell to bits, he got another In the above photo it isn’t cornering, that’s just how shit the suspension ( amongst numerous other things) was.
  17. That picture reeks of stale cigars and whisky breath.
  18. I’m disappointed it’s not a B reg
  19. My current “drive it to work, drive it back” is one of these French pieces of shite. It does 0-50 in about half an hour, the Frogs couldn’t be arsed doing a proper right-hand drive conversion so the passenger side windscreen clears first in cold weather, then about a week later the drivers side follows suite. It does have a spin cycle and low temp wash cycle, though. It’s that basic that there’s not really much to go wrong.
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