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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Halftime. Bowness-on-Windermere A pub, full of people who should be in Lloret de Mar. “ Da-ad, I know what a raging boner ith now, tho what’th that?” ” I’m a real fungi, son”
  2. @Tom Get the latest Valhalla update mate, it’s got a three week “Easter Festival” on. https://vulkk.com/2021/03/19/ac-valhalla-ostara-season-festival-event-guide/#h-how-to-start-the-ostara-season-in-ac-valhalla
  3. I suspect Eddie needs a French translator brought in to get the message across. Im happy to volunteer. “ Passez le fucking ballon de temps en temps, Allan, vous grande Âne!”
  4. Bit reverse psychology here- nice! Ever thought of working in psychics… you know, mental and that?
  5. That’s almost one for the “Badly Drawn Swastikas” file
  6. The really worrying thing is that he, and his fellow despicable cunts like Patel, Dorries, Fabricant, the whopper above-Dowden, etc, are all voted in by their constituents. Either their opponents are soo bad that these lot walk it, or, we have a lot of regular cunts voting. I wonder sometimes, if the Tory party saw a major split, with the majority of the main cunts above forming a new party, and the Tories being left with just your regular, run of the mill “unpleasant-but-not-a-fucking-monster” types, which way that would play? Would these fuckers that vote for Right wing traitors and criminals because they’re under the banner of Tory follow them to the new party, or would they stay with their beloved Tory party?
  7. Her husband got ideas whilst spanking the monkey-shed. SPOONED!
  8. I’d say, judging by the sweaty forehead, he’s on his way in.
  9. Look man, he’s told you, he just chooses to shave it!
  10. I know that, it’s fucking BlindmanHeyman that needs new geps
  11. Neighbours lost a Guinea pig last week, think I’ve just found it on that bloke’s head.
  12. He’s a cyclist- wouldn’t touch drugs with a barge pole.
  13. The part 1 is mint too! I was quietly chuckling until “ Joelinton has turned in to bastard Socrates- The whole league has shat themselves!” Full blown snort-laugh
  14. Latest images show their top-secret nuclear command bunker…
  15. All this excitement has got me reaching for the SPOON!
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