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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I can’t wait for the Win picture to send the Morlocks in to meltdown. Again
  2. But what if it’s a mackem, posing as a mag, posting as a mackem, about Mag behaviour?
  3. How do we know that isn’t a Mag posting as a mackem?
  4. Lad I used to work with had a Jeremy Beadle hand, his nickname at school was Clock. Kids are brutal
  5. Challenge accepted anyone?
  6. Failing that, make the ball bigger…
  7. Essembee’s in the Home bath with his “voice to text” switched on.
  8. Should be ashamed of themselves. Anyway…
  9. Personally I can’t wait for the Whizzer and Chips Multiverse series that Warner Bros are making.
  10. I’m bookmarking this masterpiece for the last game of the season. ( aye, I know Dyche has gone, lick iz! )
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