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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Fuck me! That looks like Cissie’s daughtersister
  2. There’s a reason they’ve been in the Third Division for , what is it 4-5 years? They’re shit and they choke when the pressure’s on. They’ll fold if Wednesday score first in the next leg.
  3. No, I think they run out of the tunnel, usually.
  4. The Head of Steam ( used to be Baltic Tavern) on Broad Chare, right next to the Courts. Does coffee, food and snacks, and beer.
  5. They’ve had another poll and decided that Black Cats is old hat and they want to be called the Xerox..…
  6. My ward have just elected our first black councillors for 48years. I’m chuffed for her- it’s a pretty safe seat but progress is progress. 👍
  7. I thought it was you with the orange wristband, having just heard donkey carts will be banned.
  8. “ Eee, our Christmas! Have you shot your muck in the washing machine again? “ ” Sorry love, I got excited by the Bhuna lorry pulling up outside”.
  9. I was going to say The Likely Lads, then I remembered Bolam is a cunt …and a mackem.
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