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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. “Per prima cosa, prendi 6 litri di salsa Loyd Grossman…”
  2. Did we put a cherry tomato on top after the roasting?
  3. Says it’s to the tune of The Grand Old Duke York. Lyrics- “The grand old Duke of York He said he didn’t sweat So why did he pay 12 million quid To a girl he’d never met?” Absolute Banger.
  4. Not enough pictures?
  5. It’s fucking obscene isn’t it? His jacket could probably keep a family fed and housed for a year or so.
  6. In 4… Donna from Elswick. “ Ewww! Grey pubes! No thanks Grandad!” In 3. Tracey, Sharon and Karen “ Welcome to Greys Club!” In 2 Kelly, Kay and Claire… He’s gone for the canon Steve, sink the brown off the pink! In 1 School’s out!
  7. If Tarquin’s aV* values dip below his xV projections, his sponsors, Twat Beard Oil, may pull their backing and look elsewhere… …guys. *annoying video
  8. The number of forelock-tuggers replying to that is depressingly large.
  9. Time to dust wuh selves down, roll wuh sleeves up and check the quality of the bacon.
  10. They couldn’t afford the plane ticket to bring him back.
  11. You’ve given up before you even started here, like. Have you tried a more “hands on” approach? I’ll just…
  12. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-61390077 Pissed in her boots too, filthy fuckers. ( BBC managing to piss off Geordies and mackems by calling Whitburn Beach a “Tyneside Beach”. ).
  13. Just pitching in to say- fuck the Royals. All of them. With a rusty poker. Cunts whinge on about familys on benefits getting an extra £20 a week, and these fucking über scroungers have had us paying to keep them in caviar, gold toilets and trafficked underage girls for centuries.
  14. I like the little touches he’s made to give his hotel room a homely feel.
  15. Nick Cave’s eldest son has died, seven years after his other 15yr old son died in a cliff fall. Poor man.
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