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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. https://www.yell.com/s/off+licences-kings+cross+and+st+pancras+tube-islington.html Done.
  2. It’s a much cooler name for an illness though, isn’t it? Covid 19 sounds like a shit media company churning out corporate training videos from an office in Doncaster, but Monkey Pox! That’s some proper medieval shit, right there.
  3. Whoa… people pay for a bit of grumble???
  4. John Anderson delivers a masterclass of late-middle aged contempt to his oppo at least twice every game
  5. So, Shazam has an international network of call centres staffed by thousands of cloned Bruno Brookes , but they’re all midget versions of him so they can fit more in. Whenever you Shazam , the signal is sent via denpressure between hundreds of towers to the nearest colony of Brunos, who use their encyclopaedic mini music brains to name that tune and send the answer back to you within a minute. Also, Shazam don’t have a “how it works” section at the bottom of their page that I can cut and paste, like 12ft Ladder does.
  6. I’ll be honest, I hung on to this because I was expecting CT to post it… …since he was sitting right next to them.
  7. Never mind this Corona virus- all the cool kids are getting Monkey Pox. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-61501679
  8. Not me, as we’re still waiting for the pics of Tits McGee from the Trent!
  9. It’s pretty simple really. News sites want Google to index their content so it shows up in search results. So they don't show a paywall to the Google crawler. These sites benefit from this because the Google crawler will cache a copy of the site every time it crawls it. All they do is show you that cached, unpaywalled version of the page.
  10. I don’t know how you’ve got the cheek…
  11. “ Anyone know if there’s a ‘Spewwns in Westminstah?”
  12. Has he told him it’s closer to London/Rio than Middlesbrough?
  13. And we all miss him terribly …
  14. His arsehole was definitely insecure- didn’t he keep shitting himself?
  15. Copy the link from Wykiki’s post, and paste it in to the box once you’ve clicked on Ayatollahs link. Daft twat
  16. I’m surprised Eddie looked so composed with a tongue up his arse
  17. Speaking of dogs, I’ve just spent a very enjoyable 20 minutes sending my hairy little shitpurse insane with a laser pointer. Primates 1-0 Canines
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