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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Gotta love a bit of medieval debasement tbf.
  2. No raw fish in these - teriyaki chicken and prawns. There was, however, some pickled carrot
  3. Because he leaves potholes as footprints.
  4. How tempting must it have been to shoot a little tracer in to that just to see it go boom!
  5. Couldn’t find sushi rice, used marshmallow.
  6. They’ve released the picture of the impact from the drone craft that was following it. The bottom white blob is the main asteroid Didymos, while the big explosion is the impact on Dimorphos. ( the little white blob at 4 o’clock from the explosion is Bruce Willis)
  7. She could’ve sold them in ‘speciality’ shops. The ones at the front were the first batch- bit heavy on rice and short on filling, the prawn ones at the back were next, a bit better, then had a bash at sesame rolls in the middle.
  8. Happy with that for a first effort.
  9. Not even with the number Nein on the back?
  10. Sweaties will win, I reckon.
  11. Making sushi rolls for the first time - I will post some pics later, good or bad.
  12. OFFICIAL TOONTASTIC ANNOUNCEMENT We need a new moderator because I’m told that apparently sending dick pics to new members is not helping. Anyone fancy it? Anyone except Fish, he’s had his chance.
  13. Cameron looks like he’s just come out of a party with the Prince of Pegging.
  14. Wolfy can’t see time with his own eyes, so doesn’t believe in it. Next!
  15. Also, if your on iOS, Night Sky is the one you’re after- free, works a treat.
  16. Don’t worry, the “kind of telegraph” systems on Teeside are down at the minute.
  17. This is like waiting for tiddie pics on dial-up.
  18. Pluto still hasn’t completed an orbit of the sun since it was discovered in 1930, and won’t until 2178.
  19. The live feed is below I think impact is due at 14 minutes past midnight, so logging in at midnight should get all the meaty stuff.
  20. Just logged on to NASA’s live feed of the DART onboard camera as it flies in to an asteroid.… Stunning ( the tiny white dot in the left black square is the target).
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