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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Aye- if you look at the “fuck this” crew who left under Ashley ( I’m one of them), and then add in younger fans who grew up under that regime, a figure of 18k new match-goers isn’t particularly unrealistic. Id love to stay put at SJP, but if we’re even half as successful as we’ve all dreamt we will be under this lot, an 80k+ stadium would be very much a necessity. How you’d convert SJP in to that, firstly from a design point of view, and then achieving it in the very narrow closed season would be some feat.
  2. You see this type of behaviour in 2nd and 3rd generation cult members in the likes of Scientology and the Mormons- they have no grasp of what is real because they’ve never been exposed to it. Mackems have spent so long in Division Three being “everyone’s Cup Final” they actually believe that their players are better at football than plumbing or joinery or whatever their day job is. They’re about to have their world shaken up.
  3. That’ll come as soon as the season starts and they’re getting torn to pieces on the regular. I give him 6-8 games.
  4. Ffs. @Andrew, @Tom, @Meenzer Ban hammer please.
  5. Isn’t our record score against them 10-1? I reckon we could better that.
  6. Monkeys Fist


    Only one man can save them
  7. Monkeys Fist


    Isn’t that since they announced they were running ads?
  8. Monkeys Fist


    Have Tobey Jones redo his role from Detectorists, visits all of the UK best tourist sites, thinks they’re shite, goes and digs up a field instead. Kathy Burke as Mrs. CT, sat in the car, smoking her tits off and necking warm Baileys until she blacks out.
  9. Monkeys Fist


    CT crosses the Severn Bridge, ” Where’s the other six, then?” CT goes to Durdle Door, ” There’s a bloody big hole in it!” CT goes to Cheddar Gorge, ”It’s bloody rock!” CT goes to Wooky Hole, ” Where’s Han?” etc
  10. Monkeys Fist


    CT drives past Stonehenge just the sun is rising through the early morning mist… ” Pfft, it’s not even finished!”
  11. Monkeys Fist


    Fair point. CT pulls up at a beautiful, secluded and deserted bay on the mid-Wales coast, not a soul around for miles on a balmy summer evening … ” There’s no one here Love, it must be shit, let’s go!” Heads for Rhyll.
  12. Monkeys Fist


    I’d avoid Cornwall in the summer tbh- unless you like sitting in massive traffic jams on country lanes for hours on end, then being fiscally raped wherever you attempt to buy anything- shop, pub, cafe, anywhere. Also, Wales is your kind of place as they can’t spell to save their lives either.
  13. Monkeys Fist


    Ginger as fuck is the actual truth of it. Ginges are the source of vampire myths- pasty white skin, avoid the sun, will devour your soul.
  14. Monkeys Fist


    Why are you making soup in the loft?
  15. When she’s not flashing her growler.
  16. Monkeys Fist


    Times are hard on the post-Brexit self-inflicted breadline.
  17. Monkeys Fist


    Putting your sleeping/soup making arrangements aside for a moment, the Welsh coast, from top to bottom, is fucking amazing. Inland isn’t too shabby either. Sunset on the Pembrokeshire cliff tops, with a bowl of freshly blitzed Leek, Bacon and Potato soup, a glass of Netto Lager and a Bong injection as you watch your tent fly away…
  18. Monkeys Fist


    It’s inflatable, I’m also assuming the bed he’ll be kipping on will inflatable, and probably his “camping sofa” too. So that’s about 45mins of him annoying the tits off everyone at the site with the noise from his little air compressor working overtime, every evening. That’s assuming he doesn’t flatten the battery on his car with it
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