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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Club Twittist-“ So Sven, we want you to walk up a dark corridor, naked, then put the shirt on, whilst we film it all from behind… ok?” SAB… “ You guysh know Sven Adult Botman is jusht a nickname, don’t you?”
  2. Actually, now that you mention it… … no. Speak whatever language they like, you can’t mask the stench of years Uncal Mick’s jism shampoos.
  3. What’s also a bit weird is - why was he on his own? Either his mates had enough of his rancid patter and fucked him off , or he was on holiday, in his 20s, with his Mam and Dad, and his old man gave him some pocket money to go out so he could get amongst the Mrs.
  4. “ Got one over on some Maggie bastids last night- spent the entire night pretending to be one of them…”
  5. “ I’m sorry Alan… Alex… whoever, I’ve just heard that my granny has died again, smell ya later…”
  6. I reckon he was the cause of the delay, as he didn’t have a live export license for them.
  7. Fist Jnr is still having daily coughing fits from it despite testing clear over a month ago. I’ve told the little shit if he doesn’t shape up sharpish he’s going up for adoption
  8. I lived in France, Switzerland and Spain for about 10 years, didn’t meet a single mackem in the entire time. Lucky escape by the sound of it
  9. ( also, he’d need at least 48 hrs to trim those magnificent fuckers.)
  10. @Christmas Tree https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-61994590 He’s only gone and done it
  11. Aye, we had a fairly good chat He also filled the little dent on the back, to stop it getting any worse. Really nice bloke and, even as a guitar-numpty, I could tell he really knows his shit. I’ll be taking his other guitar to him for a service once I’ve got my HGV sorted.
  12. @Gemmill, got the Epiphone SG back from the Guitar Elf you recommended the other day. Replaced three frets, new strings, did a “set-up” whatever the fuck that is, and showed me how to adjust the action for the Fistlet, for £65. Said Fistlet is over the moon with it. 👍
  13. That, and the sex shops aren’t quite as imaginatively named…
  14. So, DC comics is short for Dorty Cunt comics? You’re never too old to learn, thank you for the information @The Fish, I shall spread the word.
  15. Monkeys Fist


    Can you arrange a shed meet for Jenny and I in Altrincham while you’re on, please and thank’ee
  16. Someone has woken up in a proper mood.
  17. Unless Johnson is “blessed” the same way as CT?
  18. If you built over the road, and steepened the stand, I reckon you wouldn’t be too far off. Looking at it, going from the “St” in One St James, and running parallel to the stand, it’s about an extra third of the existing footprint. Since you’d be building outside and on top of the existing stand, that part of the construction could be done during the season, with the final parts making it a Kop done in the off season.
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