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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. This is what 4 months of takeaways does to a man. Beejay493 was as svelte as Keto CT before Christmas and now he washes his butt with a rag on a stick. Can’t say I’m surprised with Crawfords mind- I told them to stick to the biscuits but they wouldn’t listen, oh no… they wanted a slice of the kitchen insurance pie.
  2. I’ve not seen it but I’ve read about Bourdin- what’s incredible about the story from India is how long the bloke managed to fool them. They’re investigating suspect land sales of the father’s land that he gifted to his “son”, who sold it on to people from his original home village.
  3. Chicken Nonce’s twitter since Bruce got peddled- a visual summary…
  4. That’s the same pic you posted 4 months ago! There’s a rabbit off here lads… I’m not surprised they’re not paying you, you dodgy get
  5. This is a very bizarre tale- 16yr old kid goes missing in India over 40 years ago, 4 years later some lad turns up, neighbours tell his blind dad it’s him, so he accepts him - even though his wife says it’s not their son. Earlier this year the “son” was eventually jailed… https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-61981241.amp
  6. Aye, canny, but can they play it on vacuums and cleaning fluid bottles?
  7. There’s been a serac collapse at Marmolada in Italy, 5 confirmed dead but more expected. Fuck me, that’s insane.
  8. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia's_big_things Road trip!
  9. It mentions Drummond admitted feeling some regret later here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/K_Foundation_Burn_a_Million_Quid
  10. Me and Mrs.F. nipped out to the Cumberland for a few cheeky ones earlier, and there was a lass soundchecking for her gig and I thought “Fucking hell, she’s got a voice on her” She started not long after and was just beautiful to hear. Brazilian lass, Nadedja, singing her own songs, just her playing a guitar and keyboard, and she was absolutely jaw droppingly good. Looked her up when I got back and what videos I could find don’t do her justice at all, tbh. But, it was so nice to be at a bar and see everyone have the same reaction, stop and listen to her.
  11. Cheney will 100% lose to one of those fucking retards.
  12. I’m waaay too pleased they’ve actually done that than I should be.
  13. Club Twittist-“ So Sven, we want you to walk up a dark corridor, naked, then put the shirt on, whilst we film it all from behind… ok?” SAB… “ You guysh know Sven Adult Botman is jusht a nickname, don’t you?”
  14. Actually, now that you mention it… … no. Speak whatever language they like, you can’t mask the stench of years Uncal Mick’s jism shampoos.
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