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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-stoke-staffordshire-62100209 The Tamworth councillor who’s accused Pincher of twice assaulting him was told to keep quiet by Tory HQ.
  2. It’s insane, isn’t it? They make billions in profit every year, it’s utterly unnecessary, but here we are. Remember when utilities were nationalised, and affordable?
  3. What stands out to me in that list, I expect him to lie his fucking skin off on the “big” ones- poverty, economy etc. But they couldn’t even get it remotely right in something utterly trivial like a crown stamp on a pint glass- at every single point, they were wrong. That sums up his entire administration for me, they were, and still are, literally, criminally incompetent.
  4. The Scene; A Sweet Factory in Fawdon. 3a.m. A tired, weary and mildly sweaty HMHM trudges in to the break room, takes off his Oompa Loompa suit, slumps down in a hard plastic chair, and wearily pulls out his phone to have a look on TT. Everyone is asleep… there’s fuck all happening. Suddenly, a notification goes off. Its RobinRobin, posting gifs from the other side of the world, when he should be concentrating on sorting out defence cases for Bogans. HMHM smiles a weary smile, and trudges back to the shop floor to make more sweets for the nations children, a warm glow of fellowship keeping him going. “ He’s a good cunt, that RobinRobin, later, lolz!”
  5. Give him a chance, he’s busy placating the Whorse over not being able to use Chequers.
  6. That’s got to be a spoof, hasn’t it?… …Hasn’t it?
  7. Absolute shitshow of a contest is warming up nicely
  8. Has he just left himself wide open to being sued there?
  9. I reckon Mordaunt will get it- she’s not as sullied by Johnson as the rest, which I reckon will be a biiig factor in the early rounds, and when it goes to the rank and cunts in the last round, she’s got enough recognition to beat the likes of Wallace, and is right wing enough to appeal to them. Also, tits.
  10. I posted a picture of a clownshoe on my Arsebook yesterday, first time I’ve used it in ages. Got some lovely bites off the Tory side of my family in my private messages. The fucking thick cunts that they are
  11. She’s so dry, if you threw a bag of spuds up it they’d come out peeled.
  12. Just think of Nadine Dorries, that’ll sort you. 😉
  13. First time ever that mackems and the rest of the country have thought alike.
  14. Just to cheer everyone up, if we thought these last two were bad, I can’t wait for the state of whichever fuckwit wins the race to redundancy and takes over the reins. Unelected, unwanted, and very possibly unknown. I hope they have a fucking nightmare from day 1.
  15. She didn’t- it’s slicked back with bodily fluids.
  16. Aye, Rollerball had cult status when I was at school. Have you seen Freebie and the Bean? It’s pretty mental
  17. James Caan 82…that hobbling scene in Misery Ooof, ya bastid!
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