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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Look at this little shit, all colourful and whistley … GET A JOB!!!!!
  2. “ Streak of attenuated gristle”
  3. I think it was the morning banter with Louise Minchin that got a lot of people.…
  4. Rayvin is so fucked off he’s not even said sorry.
  5. We not seeing the full picture of Sunak’s because the base is wider than the pillar is tall?
  6. Nail a KFC tray to one of these. Wouldn’t need to last too long.
  7. Chin up mate. As long there’s people like Mick around, they’ll never have it all
  8. Give it 24hrs or so. They can’t help themselves
  9. Sat Nav says right only. errm… boobs.
  10. Thanks - I wasn’t sure and, tbh, I felt a right tit.
  11. Super! Smashing! Great! BeigeCunts! You can’t beat a bit of Eddie.
  12. What’s going on? I nipped out earlier.
  13. He’s also more likely to sell it to the highest bidder, being a Tory cunt, an’ that.
  14. Aye, strange choice of words for a Dipper. I’m sure they were leading us 39-0 in the Blood On Your Hands Trophy.
  15. India* be like… * where his billionaire father-in-law is from.
  16. CT - the new Mug Righter* * spelt with Boldon accent.
  17. “Turn right… turn right again… keep turning further right… fuck the poor”
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