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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. That’s the best bit about this whole ride- it’s just the beginning. Howe has already imperiously pissed on everyone’s expectations and timelines of us becoming a side to be reckoned with, and he’s only going to get better in the foreseeable future for us. 12 months and a few players on from almost certainly plummeting down the Championship under Bruce, we’re realistically eyeing a top 4 finish. It’s fucking majestic.
  2. In 26 league visits during the Premier League era at St James’ Park, Aston Villa have won just twice. The last time Aston Villa won away at Newcastle United was over 17 years ago, the infamous Dyer / Bowyer red cards match (and Steve Taylor penalty incident…). Only twice in the 26 visits have Villa managed to score more than one goal. You can see why they were expecting their “yowsual three points, Neville”
  3. That was one of their witty banners when we went down at their shithole wasn’t it?
  4. Sent this just after full-time to a particularly Beige relative of mine, hoping for some jocular familial badinage… … not a fucking peep, over 2hrs later To be fair, it’ll be hard to be witty when he’s got his arse in the freezer trying to ease the ring sting.
  5. Given recent results, I’ll be gutted if we don’t beat Chelsea tbh.
  6. If anyone wants tonight’s lottery numbers, pm me for my PayPal
  7. Mackems losing 1-0 at Luton If we win and spurs lose, as they currently are, we’re 3rd.
  8. Just walk in to their kitchen, tune it to Radio Newcastle , turn it up and blankly stare at everyone. (If you can do an eye twitch too, that always helps. )
  9. Heard it on Radio 6 first ( not even joking- the Huey show. )
  10. Currently listening to this as I ride around Forest Hall on my burro, wearing my poncho and sombrero and spitting tobacco juice on stray dogs. (The album is produced by Dan Auerbach of Black Keys fame and its fucking mint)
  11. To coin a phrase from my erudite and gentle Grandmother, “ I’d rather shit in my hands and clap.”
  12. I find even shit fights look and sound better on good quality audiovisual equipment. If only one of our members could recommend a good tv and sound bar?
  13. This is gonna sound fantastic on my LG tv and Dubly sound bar. It goes to eleven.
  14. Btw “ Dank’s for the Emery’s” in the title. Take a bow son.
  15. How did the non-binary serial killer dispatch their victims? They slash Them. * brought to you by Fist Jnr.
  16. John “ Milli Vanilli” Redwood you say?
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