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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I was a tree-hugging stoner communing with nature while all you ruffians were having fisticuffs with each other.
  2. How embarrassing man, John Smiths too Love the fact his Mrs. kept filming when the inevitable happened.
  3. “ Maaa-aaam, for vhe bazilliongthgnth time, just switch vhe cameragh on, come up vhe steps, and fillum me singing. Get it right vhis time woming-don’t make me throw me piss-jugs”
  4. Where non-starter business ideas go to die
  5. Restricted visibility can have a very scary effect
  6. I second you in not doing something I don’t do. 👍
  7. Whilst calling over Yoko so he could slap her one last time?
  8. Not entirely sure John had much to say about that, mind.
  9. Miguel the Mysterious, Mexican magician extraordinare, is on stage and announces he will vanish on stage, on the count of three. Unos… Dos… then poof, he’s gone. Vanished without a tres.
  10. “ That’s right, leave your luggage, clothes, and gold here and just step in to the ‘showers’…” 🤷🏻‍♂️
  11. Wahey! What do you call a Chinese lady with a Kenwood chef on her head? Blenda. *sorry Noelie
  12. A goat, a wrestler, and a snake fell off a cliff… Baa doom ssss…
  13. Just finished my first self-build house, but the builder hadn’t charged me for the roofing. He said, “ It’s on the house “
  14. Ukraine war: Putin allows former criminals to be conscripted https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-63517680 Straight out of the Hitler playbook this mind.
  15. Imagine being French and your parents call you Jean-Kevin. “ Wtf Maman? Jean-Paul, Jean- Michel, Jean Claude, aye- but Jean-Kevin???? Est tu havin a fucking rire?”
  16. Mint isn’t it? I don’t have the stats to hand because I don’t wear a Matrix style leather overcoat, (looking at you Daaave!), but I reckon that beats or equals the total nominations under Ashley’s entire regime.
  17. Whoa! Haad on … so is Gandaft actually buying Coventry? With Ashley as his landlord? This is going to be spec-fucking-tacular
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