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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. The fact that these two have come off, very sensibly, and we’re not shitting ourselves about collapsing as a result, as compared to the same substitutions 12 months ago, is just another indication of how good Howe is, and turboshit Bruce was.
  2. I’ve spent this first half prepping Sunday tea which is Beef in stout with mustard and parsley dumpling, as requested by Ms. Fist. As a result, I’m currently mildly scuttered but heading for gibberish by for full time. Love Sunday matches
  3. The absolute self belief that he’s going to sink that fucker from the moment he passes it and makes his run is a thing of beauty.
  4. CT has just fainted, seconds after asking Mumsnet for knitting patterns.
  5. Missed a trick here like Southampton- should’ve had Spitfires flying over
  6. Other than the few million in Papa New Guinea, marra.
  7. Plane crashes into Lake Victoria https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-63532896 Look at the name of the airline
  8. Do you still have a quickie with the corpses before you hoy them in the sty?
  9. Intentionally or not, he is absolutely hilarious. He’s also the perfect personification of the word Glaicky.
  10. “ A nice tabew there guys, so I can play cards… by myself” Ooof!
  11. “Premium Service £10 extra - Grandad takes his pants off “
  12. CT furiously taking notes. “ Petal, I’ve finally got a use for those 16 tubby chariots in the front room- this one’s a guaranteed winner!”
  13. The pick of tonight’s “ 9hrs in a fucking van” playlist. paging MC Gloomski
  14. Poppers? So there were fists involved , just not punching… you’d hope
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