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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. “ one position below the PL” That’s them, isn’t it?
  2. When I did high-rise window cleaning, we’d use Eight as code for a munter with a decent rack- “ Eight at 3oclock!” Eight because that’s the number of tits on a pig.
  3. Have you posted this in the wrong thread(s)? Try here…
  4. I can’t find it now, but I’m 100% that Joe sought out and paid for extra fitness and technical training personally whilst The Cabbage was here, as he wasn’t getting any from The Cunt. The club and fans were a pretty toxic combo for any new player to deal with in Bruce’s time, but I can’t recall him ever speaking out in his own defence either, even when he was getting absolute pelters. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but that really does speak volumes about him. edit; I’d probably say the he’s up there amongst my all-time favourite players. If he’d shown just enough improvement under Howe to justify his retention in the squad, and tapped in a few easy shots, he’d still be regarded as a player who’d been “Howed”, as he was so poorly regarded previously. To turn in to this fucking International standard midfield monster that makes opponents visibly wilt, and in such a relatively short time, puts him in my legendary book.
  5. Canoes, gorges, crazy locals, and furious action on banjo strings. Takes me back to my youth
  6. Wolf Hall. The Mirror and The Light. On BBC tonight at 9pm. Mrs F and I on a very rare occasion of us both looking forward to something. Mark Rylance is a fucking amazing actor, and Damian Lewis isn’t too shabby either. At the rate that the cheeky glasses of wine are going down following our win, I might be watching it on iPlayer, but hey-ho
  7. Fucking great result that. 2nd half we were like a different team. Hopefully AG10’s knock on his hip isn’t anything serious.
  8. I almost forgot. In a break with tradition, I’m going for a 5-0 for our lads. First four deflections off Scargill’s weetabix heed, last three OGs from the scabs as they get confused and cross their own picket lines.
  9. Young and daft- the biggest fear wasn’t falling, it was your Mam finding out you’d done it.
  10. One of the more unhinged activities we’d do in the Towers was girder sliding. The walkways between the blocks were supported H-section girders, and if you put your feet against the inside of one side of the H, with your body on the outside of the other side, pulling against it with your hands,,you could slide down them. The bottom arrow was the beginner level, from the lower level ( only 6 storeys), whilst the upper level was hard lad territory ( 9 storeys). I did the lower ones quite a few times, only once for hard-lad level-insane tbh. I remember some lad at our school who died doing the hard-lad level and I think they put spikes around them to make access more tricky. Incidentally, the block pictured is where I used to live, ringed in red. We’d also climb the outside of the car parks quite often, which was pretty easy tbh. Thats the best/only pic of them I could find, about 8 storeys but a piece of piss to climb.
  11. What’s happened to Trumps copycat version- Truth Social? I’m guessing that now he and Musk are blow-buddies it’s like Leaze’s message board where he chatted to himself and Wacky?
  12. I lived in Killy Towers until 1976 when we moved in to one of the Garths. This place was 5 minutes on a Grifter from either address There were two iirc, this full length death wish, and the junior one for nippers next to it, which was about 15ft shorter, so both were actually lethal If you look top right, you can see the “steps” that were the way up the concrete to the top - best and most scary part of it, tbh. You’re right about the murals, they were on some big walls behind the photographer’s pov here, either end of what I think we’re meant to be all weather pitches- in reality they were big gravel patches that no fucker ever played football on, but made for great stunt jump areas for aforementioned Grifters. These two slides also both ended directly on to the same gravel… forgetting about that was a mistake you only made once
  13. Cake for second breakfast! Happy Birthday Robin!
  14. 25-60. No exceptions. Gives time to get youthful deftness out of the system, and gets rid of them before they turn mental/conservative. I’d consider a mandatory break of a few years too, if they’re a career politician, so that they get experience of actual work
  15. Is that the one with the main lass as an Asian woman copper? Im not a fan of copper shows at the best of times, but if it’s the same one, it was fucking atrocious Mrs. F. made me watch an episode - two blokes were accused of killing/kidnapping some Asian lass. Wasn’t them. Ray solved it through sheer determination and some terrible writing. At least I think that was what happened- it was hard to follow the story because of all the “ SHE’S AN ASIAN WOMAN COPPER!” bits that were shoehorned in every 30 seconds. 8.7 my hairy arse.
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