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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Regal King size- if you had regular Regal you were in the Stumpy Tab club Anyone showed up with Lamberts and it was a shoeing.
  2. Years ago I was watching a game and a round of “ Are You Watching Sunderland?” broke out. The lass I was sat next to asked me who Arnie Watson was Never let her live that one down.
  3. This is post-Brexit Toryland though. Fuck experts.
  4. Aye, just when they’re at their absolute prime for ripping the piss, why would we manufacture another rivalry? Hate others, absolutely, but the mackems are different gravy.
  5. * OUT The Baconator. * ACHIEVEMENTS Joelinton- forward flop to midfield monster.
  6. Bamba Dieng sounds like some 70s surf guru living in a hut in Thailand in the 1970s, heading up a mildly rapey cult.
  7. That bloke is certainly well endowed.
  8. Having said that, owning property near the coast might be worthwhile- in 10-15 years we’ll be having Mediterranean summers and Skeggy will be the new Shagaluf Costa del Palmersville for the more discerning traveller…
  9. Not at all. Look at how rapidly extreme weather events have escalated here over the last decade. If I was living on the coast I’d be making plans/moving.
  10. @PaddockLad and @ewerk, explain yourselves
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