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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. At least the NHS is finally in safe hands though…
  2. Just in case it wasn’t clear how absolutely fucked we are, she’s done the political equivalent of BDSM. “ Take it, Bitches!” Except there’s no safe word to make it stop.* * so I’m told.
  3. How long have you been here? Tits. Obvs. Also, “ Aspiration Nation” in Truss’ speech. 1. Fuck off 2. They’ve had to cut the three word catchphrase formula to two, poor lamb gets confused. 3. Fuck off again.
  4. Always happy to discuss the state of Hayek’s assets.
  5. “ Hello, I’m Liz. Goodbye. “
  6. I don’t think those arms have done a day’s work in their life, other lifting her titbags to wipe away the sweat.
  7. I don’t think her diabetes could take my sugar.
  8. I honestly had to check that. Fucking hell
  9. I thought you were joking. https://www.brentfordfc.com/en/news/article/brentford-partners-with-the-turmeric-co.-578250
  10. Braverman as Foreign Secretary. Fuck me. This is going to be a pantomime.
  11. Not sure, but the cheers would power the country’s wind turbines for a few weeks.
  12. I suspect there’s more to this … … call me a cinik.
  13. I’ve just noticed the date of the gig “ Ohh me lads, you should have seen them fewming!”
  14. “ Make big savings by turning off the tv and having a a family session of excavating and collecting ear wax, which can then be made in to cheap, environmentally friendly candles, you poverty stricken cunts”
  15. Put a slow cooker on in each downstairs room, leccy blankets upstairs, don’t forget to buy( or have a rich friend “donate”) a new fucking kettle. Happy Days!
  16. They are, and always have been, a party of destruction. They’ve destroyed communities, unions, rights and now the country. I can’t think of one, single policy of theirs that benefitted the population as a whole, as opposed to the wealthy.
  17. Morlockgedia promoting their favourite teayum again, marra. FGM
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