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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I was just thinking, given the number of aging digestive tracts in that queue, it’s going to be fucking lifting.
  2. You put your Leftist in Your Leftist out In, out, in, out, Shake it all about Oh Wokey Cokey Cokey! Sing it with me boys, don’t be shy.
  3. If you knew anything about Guinea Pigs, you’d know they’re the most left-leaning and progressive of the rodents.
  4. Johnson’s comments as he finished his resignation speech, (the Terminator quote), the strong rumour going round that he wants to stage a comeback, and then, when Lizzy died, him giving that speech in the Commons, all contribute to distinct feeling of unease. That, and the fact that he knows Truss will be gone quicker than the Christmas decorations.
  5. And the other part is because they know what they’re fighting for- their home. Morale and purpose are huge motivators.
  6. That’s the most genteel freak out Chaz- “ It’s what they bloody do, every stinking time!” Me - *launches pen “ Fucking useless twatting piece of fucking shit!”
  7. I have no personal animosity towards the Queen, Cath, but I’ve never believed that the immense privilege her and her family enjoyed should be free of criticism. Now, as we change monarchs, seems as good a time as any to question the need for them. I do have empathy for her family just now, I lost my Dad not that long ago and it’s a gut punch, even when it’s expected. But the last few days has seen utterly mental behaviour from the media, corporations, the police, and some of the public. If dissent isn’t allowed, then we’re way more screwed than we all thought we were.
  8. So, @Renton, I’ve just bought Mrs.F. a stained glass window and I wanted an expert opinion on it? Is this the GOAT or what?
  9. You’d never be able to find it in the car park.
  10. I’m sure the World Police have some “special” weapons only they know about, until it’s time for everyone to know about them.
  11. I remember that- bloody awful, what was he thinking? I mean he had a refrigerated trailer- 20 minutes with a boning knife and she’d be next weeks Sunday lunch and he’d be home dry. Sloppy, tbh.
  12. We went to Brinkburn Abbey and then found a pub without telly for lunch when Prince Peggy and The Commoner got married, was mint. Empty roads too.
  13. That’s what I meant- I knew there was something in the offing.
  14. What’s happening with the strike? Is it being postponed ?
  15. I’m genuinely shocked that they didn’t respond immediately, tbh, although Mrs. F. wasn’t. Not enough coppers apparently- cheers to the party of Law and Order!
  16. The fucking cheek of this post
  17. I was searching for the right way of describing this. Nailed it mate.
  18. Nowhere near the same, but I’ve got a doctors appointment on the 19th so I rang today to ask if they’d be open. They’re not sure, but I’ll be contacted by admin tomorrow.… so aye, they’re closing. Clueless
  19. “The SD is currently by far the biggest party in the world with Nazi roots,” said Tobias Hübinette, lecturer in intercultural studies at Karlstad University and a leading anti-racist” In the article. They’re Neo-Nazis.
  20. I’d be having serious words with whichever funeral director has made that decision if that was my mother’s funeral.
  21. I mean there’s royalty, and then, there's Royalty RIP
  22. I know you lads have been desperate to hear the thoughts of pug-faced Sweaty Sixties Singer Lulu on the change of monarchs. I apologise for my tardiness, but here it is. Rest easy, boys, rest easy.
  23. Sooo… Mrs. F. has just got back from work, in The Dark Place, and tells me that around 3pm this afternoon about 7-8 masked men arrived at her work place, demanding she hand over some young lad. Police were called, didn’t show up. An hour later, some random kid was bundled in to the boot of an Audi which had been parked outside. ( She works Mondays at the “emergency hostel” for her organisation, which is a large Georgian townhouse converted in to flats, and staffed 24/7. It is for young people up to age 25). There was a recent case of a young lad in Sunderland who disappeared and was then found dead, mutilated, 6 weeks later. He’d been staying at this same place. It’s all drugs related, County Lines shit apparently. I can not wait for her to gtfo of that shithole and get work back over here.
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