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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Does “Beg Friend”mean Whopper in Basque?
  2. I’m atheist and a republican, so even just the title makes my fucking teeth itch. As Renton said, the lyrics in the first verse are shit, the lyrics in the rarely heard second verse are repellent. The whole thing is an exercise in misery. It’d be far better if we had an instrumental national anthem, like this or, if we must have lyrics, this.
  3. Pfft, fucking amateurs. https://9to5mac.com/2022/09/15/iphone-14-pro-orders-begin-arriving-lines-apple-store/
  4. Any mentalists going in just now have hit pay-dirt. Chaz, Anne, Nonce and Whossname are all stood vigilling. I expect there’ll be some involuntary emissions from the flag shaggers.
  5. I wonder if anyone has rang Cliff Richard and told him there’s a bit of rain due overnight? If it’s good enough for Wimbledon, it’s good enough for The Queueen.
  6. Pussycat Pussycat Where have you been? “I’ve been to London to see the dead Queen” Pussycat Pussycat What did you there? “ I waited 24 fucking hours with a bunch of brain dead cunts… meow”
  7. I think perhaps we should consider making it a permanent thing, so that tourists can take part, which would also serve to educate them on British Queue Culture.
  8. Following the fireball the other day , my nephew was on Radio Newcastle discussing it https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0cvkl08?partner=uk.co.bbc&origin=share-mobile Starts at 2:40:00 with a Duran Duran song halfway through.
  9. They should have Sean Lock’s corpse with a carrot.
  10. Aye, either they’re searching for some kind beacon of hope in this meaningless existence, or they’re thick as whale spunk and do what the Mail/Sun tells them. I doubt it’s the first.
  11. Will there be a new queue to join The Queue? ( also, what a very bizarre word queue is).
  12. I’m surprised tooner hasn’t apologised yet, tbh.
  13. Yvon Chouinard, the owner of the Patagonia company, inventor of climbing kit and all round top chap, has given the company away. Patagonia: Billionaire boss gives fashion firm away to fight climate change https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-62906853
  14. I now picture you as Martin Goodman, bumbling about the house with your shirt off because “it’s boiling!”, and coming out with gems of wisdom.
  15. Every few days I hide Mrs. F’s toothbrush somewhere in the bathroom. It’s the little things that make a marriage.
  16. One down, two to go. ( poor fucker took a faceplant off the step).
  17. Years of flinging them up Camilla’s horse-mouth* did that. Acid burns. Sorry… sorry * Queen Consort Camilla’s gash.
  18. It’s the anticipation. You know that at some point, Elton John is going to fucking murder something from his back catalogue, you just don’t know when. Draining, tbh.
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