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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Won’t the price drop though, when they’re all that’s available?
  2. If we all just wait a bit, some glorious filthy lucre is due to trickle down to us all.
  3. So, you twats got me thinking, ” Does Rule 34 apply to crabs?” Yes. Yes it does. I looked so you don’t have to. Trust me on this one
  4. Is your old man called Reginald or Norman?
  5. Does she say ‘graarse and caarstle’ ? My mother-in-law says it that way when she’s got her phone voice on, which I rip the piss out of relentlessly.
  6. I’m all for a bit of Left Wing fascism like. ”Let’s go Tory Bashin’ lads, lasses and them/theys! Make the fuckers squeak!”
  7. Fish’s Mam- “ Ee, our David, The Archers isn’t what it was, all they talk about is xG and trequartistas! “ Fish- “ … “
  8. Oof! How has your listener taken the news?
  9. I bet I know who sent most… ” Dear Committee Liz is not very good. Regards Boris” ” Dear 1922s Please sack her, she killed the Queen Thanks Boris’ dad. “ ” Dear Whoever Bitch had better not touch my fucken wallpapers Carrie”
  10. You should do a podcast about it. Fresh Finaglements of The Fish. ( you can have that one for free and, no, I’m not listening to it).
  11. I know the Tories changed the rules on No Confidence votes to get rid of the Shagger, is there a minimum time period from becoming PM before they can get rid, I wonder?
  12. I was curious whether crabs actually have a wang. First hit on google https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/hermit-crab-penises-evolved-to-protect-shells
  13. Iranian women protesting the mandatory wearing of hijab 1979
  14. Aye, he was no angel, which makes it all the more pertinent I reckon.
  15. This clip of Nasser, former Egyptian President, is doing the rounds.
  16. I’ve always liked the drums in this too. Banger! Bang’er!
  17. I was waiting for the dwarves to come on and dance around the little Stonehenge
  18. He should take on Dan Walker from that podcast. Closest he’ll get to a woman for years.
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