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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. What would it take for them to lose their place as The Opposition? That would be fucking sweet.
  2. Sturgeon accused of divisive rhetoric for saying 'I detest Tories' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-63192125 Hats off to Wee Jimmy Krankie here, mind. Nice to see some honesty in politics. Zahawi can lick my hoop.
  3. No mention of statues from me Although, it’s amazing to me that we’ve got one of Robson and Shearer, but not of Keegan- not even a mention anywhere in the ground.
  4. As it’s Sunday afternoon and I’m not mildly pissed, oh no, not at all… We’re 5th in the table, not 15th, which was our default position for the last decade or so. Howe has been a fucking inspired appointment, given that he’s done this with mostly the same players that The Cabbage had. Even then, his buys have been measured and sensible. Whatever transpires in the future, the remarkable job he’s done in such a short space of time puts him up there with Keegan and Robson for me.
  5. Life will never be the same- it’s actually him, isn’t it?
  6. Ricky Sbragia was the kebab van owner I wish I’d had.
  7. Monkeysheed was top value tbh, the rest I never really cared about enough to dislike , (The Toxic Trio of Keane, The Facist and Hippoheed being the exception).
  8. Have they reanimated the Corpse of the Cunt there?
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