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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Is it possible to have a negative number of followers on OnlyFans?
  2. Aye, the other option is a hard border, which I’m sure certain folks on both sides would like, but fuck that noise.
  3. Mrs. F won’t watch Bond films because “they’re just ridiculously far-fetched”.… …Loves the Bourne Trilogy
  4. On a total tangent, and for some light relief (Mrs!), here’s Mick Lynch patiently destroying some Tories
  5. I reckon he should give Mycology a go- he’s got years of experience.
  6. He’s got no option but to do this, otherwise Labour won’t get in. We can forget rejoining for a while* until a good proportion of the Leave cunts are dead or dribbling, but if this energy price crisis doesn’t make us renationalise the our energy and water I don’t know what will. I’d like to think the last few years of Tory fuckery will stay long in people’s memory, but then, Johnson won a landslide so what the fuck do I know? * unless Wee Jimmy Krankie gets her wish and Scotland goes Indy and rejoins, then I can’t see us being too far behind.
  7. How about we split 50/50 on top two placing suggestions ?
  8. * wonders what a Corbynista on the bread-line might take up as a cheap, sustainable hobby… Are you having flying lessons?
  9. Mint that they’ve coined the awful term “Sunakites”, because the alternative was “RiShites”
  10. Saucy! Now, more than ever, our friends, neighbours and colleagues are more likely to find themselves using food banks. It’s not a particularly innovative suggestion from me, but it’s desperately needed, so I’d suggest The West End Food Bank, which has now taken over the East End Food Bank and provides much needed food and hygiene items across the city. (What a fucking disgrace that we need to do this, btw, Britain in 2022).
  11. Thank fuck we have such Strong and Stable government under the Tories. Do they actually believe the shite they spout, I wonder?
  12. Sorry Andrew, I know you asked us to keep these in the Secret Forum Spank Bank, but they’re too impressive not to share…
  13. On a serious note though, cancelling the Air Show will have ramifications- I feel sorry for the staff at sunderland Airport who’s jobs must surely be at risk now…
  14. Hats off to them for concocting a 10 point list mind, that’s taking delusion to, well, mackem levels
  15. They fucking love a good group or society, don’t they? Takes them back to their schooldays of secret dinner clubs and wanking societies or whatever.
  16. Definitely got her Ben Wa Balls in there, like
  17. He’s moved on from such simple pleasures and is now fully committed to the SUP life. Until his next obsession comes along. I do feel … something for the slack-jawed masses of wearside though, as they apparently enjoyed their yearly jaunt watching the iron birds. Aye, well, tough fucking titty.
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