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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. What was his name? Not John Dunne, was it?
  2. No, Kilnsey was for the elite boys when I was grimping. I was good but not elite good
  3. Mate of mine started working at an upholstery factory last year, I’ve just heard that 6 months ago he fell in to one of the fabric wrapping machines. He’s fully recovered
  4. Malham Cove? I’ve climbed there once or twice.
  5. When you’ve no chance of getting elected, there’s nothing to lose.
  6. Reading that, it’s more likely to have been a young emu. No chance you’d get an ostrich in a bag Also, there’s a picture of an emu, labelled as an ostrich
  7. New kink unlocked ✅
  8. I was sacked from the same job three times. 17-18 yrs old , Kielder Calvert Trust working as instructor. 1st time was for being late- I even lived on site, but slept in When the gaffer told me I was sacked I replied “ But I’m a volunteer- you can’t sack me” Which, whilst cheeky was technically correct, so he told me to “fuck off home for a week and then we’ll see” They rang me three days later asking if I could come back. 2nd time was for chinning this lad who was there building an extension, when I heard him saying some pretty unpleasant things about one of the lasses that worked there. I was full time employed by this point, and the lad was a proper little fucking rat that even his workmates hated- so, the sacking was pretty half-hearted. They rang me week later and offered me my job back, again. 3rd time was for banging the shit out of a visiting carer- Pixie cut hair, ballet dancer, flexible as fuck and filthy with it. 100% worth it. Again, they rang me a week later but I fucked them off this time as I’d got a job as a climbing instructor near Keswick.
  9. Looks like she’s buttering the cheeks as she waddles out, mind.
  10. I’d actually be tempted to watch for a minute or two if it was Angela Rayner tearing a strip off Farage.
  11. Personally, I’d be quite happy with a bland and boring PM- we’ve had the parade of clowns and seen were it’s got us.
  12. Honestly man, when I read through the text stream I felt sick, then furious. She was in a right state when I got round there, but all sorted, we brought her back to ours for tea and she’s back to her usual self…
  13. In slightly related news, I’ve just spent 5hrs on the phone with Lloyds recovering £4,500 from my Mam’s current account, fucking scumbag scammers got her with a “family member in trouble” text scam. Utter fucking cunts. I have to say that the lass from the bank was absolutely fantastic- once she realised that my Mam had been completely duped, she very subtly steered the conversation towards my Mam’s health, and got responses from her that enabled her to tick whatever boxes were necessary for a full, instant refund on the grounds of temporary bewilderment. Keep an eye on your older relatives chaps, even when they’re compos mentis it can still happen to them.
  14. The MLF on the right was on pocket cheese duties for this infiltration, but let down the side by bringing tubes of Primula. Bald MLF is merely putting him right.
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