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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. This is like waking up at 6:00 am for graft and then realising it’s Sunday
  2. “ Have you ever seen a mackem in Milan…”
  3. Cheers man. 👍 The Fender is the one I was thinking of. Thanks for the advice on t’other one too. ( you see Andrew… I told you Quiff was wrong about Gemmill )
  4. Quick question gents- a while back someone recommended a gadget that plugs in to your guitar and acts like an effect pedal - ring any bells? Fist Jnr. has saved up a fair stash and if he doesn’t spend it this instant the world will explode, or something. It looked very neat and compact but I can’t be arsed trawling back through pages and pages Cheers in advance.
  5. Can’t- strained my groin at work today
  6. I’d happily beat this fucker to a pulp, wake him up, then do it again. Then when he’s in a vegetative state, put him in a pot and ask him to write a letter.
  7. Currently hobbling out of work early after slipping and popping a groin strain ( ooer missus, etc etc ). Had to drive back from Morpeth with gritted teeth- the A1 was fine, cruise control, but Wideopen -Heaton was a nonstop stream of “Oooyamuthafuckingbastidingtwat”at every pothole and bump in the road, of which there are many. Heading home for waves of sympathy from Mrs. F.… * * “ What have you done that for you daft shite?” FML.
  8. That’s most of the Tory party, tbf.
  9. Some of the replies in that are a great example of how we got to this state of affairs, tbh.
  10. Leave a note written in blood saying “ They came for me…” Then get a room elsewhere
  11. Trump has been subpoenaed to appear before the January 6th committee. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-63319431 Meanwhile, Bannon has been sentenced to 4 months for contempt of Congress. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-63332078 The net closing.
  12. That’ll depend on if he’s close to the worldwide “telegraph-type system” for his phone.
  13. Would it be fair to say your feeling a bit under denpressure? Tell him the Flat Earth is a global conspiracy and see if he notices the irony
  14. He’s misspelled “cult” there I think.
  15. Speaking of Beetle jokes, Patrick opens the bonnet of his VW and shouts “ Ewerk- someone’s pinched yer engine!” Ewerk says, ” Ah, sure, it’s a good job there’s a spare in the boot!”
  16. “ Big” and “weight” aren’t terms you’d normally associate with these manlets
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