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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Also, she’s called Miss XXX. How long has the Mrs. been HR for Pornhub , Fish?
  2. I’m sure it’ll all be suite.
  3. Happy Birthday Herr Kommandant.
  4. I laughed at this so much I’ve produced a stool* * no, CT, not really.
  5. Me and my brother moved seats one year and were on the end of a row of 6, just below the Level 7 concourse. The other fine gentleman on our row were that Sayers gangster bloke and his three mates/heavies. The Partizan game he was on his phone constantly and making none too subtle arrangements with a bloke in the Partizan away section. Just before the game ended he asked if we’d like to come along to “ a cultural exchange” with the Partizan mob. We also politely declined
  6. No need to couch it in obscure puns, say what you mean.
  7. Nar, marra, one lewk at the MLF that wasn’t there and Partizan would’ve ‘ad it away in their toes.
  8. Having your midget hoop rimmed out by multiple Morlocks in the replies can cloud your thinking.
  9. “ Aye, aye, pet. Off you go to the maternity hospital. I’ve got Bhuna to cook and tickets to get.”
  10. Tell her there’s an absolute exhibition you want to see on the Sunday Afternoon. Then arrange with CT where you’re meeting him.
  11. Showed my mates the tattoos I got recently in Malaga, and they were surprised at the level of detail on them. I said, aye… I’ll just see myself out, thanks.
  12. Err, if we win against the Dippers, the honours are Trophyshy’s, according to the rules.
  13. These consonant puns are doing my head in.
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