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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Chuck was ok, apart from the pissing, and the strangling and what have you. German canoeists can fuck right off.
  2. Not bad..… Still not pissing on Wor Lass, or vice versa.
  3. Uri Geller is having a busy day leading tributes according to the BBC. Fucking charlatan
  4. McConnell in hospital falling a fall. Mitch McConnell: US Senate Republican leader in hospital after fall https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-64898451 Wishing him all the very worst.
  5. Hipsters board, Dudes shred..…
  6. The last ones resigned in protest at whatever the last scandal was. Only absolute cunts left now* * Psych!!!! There’s no such thing as a good Tory- never has been and never will be
  7. Chaim Topol, the Fiddler On Tbe Roof gadgie. Ya ba dibba dibba dibba diddle dibba dibba dead. 87
  8. Bridget bossing it on Peston right now.
  9. I quite like this one, where he’s visibly conflicted having survived, but also knows he’s just shat his pants in a spectacularly public fashion.
  10. We came sooo fucking close, too.
  11. Wykiki just about to get his conjugals on when he hears the dulcet tones of the Blackburn Crew passing below his window on their way for more fun… “ Sorry Love”
  12. Whey’s yon gadgie bletherin cack, like?
  13. Pretty much bullshit tbh, I’ve no doubt the very top climbers could pull off moves like that, but doing it solo? Nah. Watch the Free Solo movie of Alex Honnold climbing El Capitan without ropes. It’s absolutely insanely hardcore. Also, Dawn Wall, with Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgenson.
  14. The E number gives an overall rating of difficulty, amount and quality of fall protection, severity of falls etc. Most people who are “hobby climbers” will lead at around E1-2, which is still hard. E11 is fucking insane. The 7a is the difficulty of the hardest individual move on the route. Theoretically, 1a is flat ground, 1b a slight incline, 1c a step-in practice you won’t find much below 4a on anything, which are usually on the very easiest routes. When taken with the E grade, you get an indication of how hard a route is. An E1 5c, I’d expect to be mostly 5a/b moves, with one 5c move on the route. E4 6a, I’d expect 5c all the way with a few 6a moves. E11 7a I’d expect to be a few 6c moves, with sustained 7a moves throughout. I’d also shit my pants just looking at it. ( All the above are assuming a lead climb, where you clip the rope in as you go).
  15. His partner And Shite couldn’t even sing. Disgustang.
  16. Dumbarton Rock is home to some of the hardest rock climbing routes in the entire British Isles. The clip below is Dave MacLeod making the first ascent of his insane route, Rhapsody. (E11,7a) The unassuming bloke at the start, Cubby Cuthbertson, put up an E8 6c here in 1983, which is fucking mental. (Think Lee Cattermole taking on Real Madrid on his own,in wellies, and winning 10-0, and then doing it again blindfold ) Anyway, enjoy ( And, aye, the bloke has some fucking Dumbartons on him!)
  17. Since when has that been a prerequisite for their gaffers, like?
  18. I worked at the Calvert Trust between the ages of 16-18, and there was a lad used to come fairly regularly. He was about 30, 6ft+, ginger as Gemmill and several slices short of a full loaf. Funny as fuck though, and he knew he was He used to call bollocks “Dumbartons” and when we’d take him on trips and visits he’d delight in pointing at some bloke’s package and shouting, at max decibels, “ Look at the fucking Dumbartons on him!” So, anyway, ever since I’ve never been able to hear or read the word Dumbarton without thinking of Buster Gonad and his unfeasibly large testicles. Thank you for listening, tune in next week for more genital-related jocular tales.
  19. Game on lads ! “ Fuck Off Plebs!” ” Line My Pockets” ” We Hate You” crack on.
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