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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Is Boebert the one who used be a hooker, or was that the other crazy Maga bint?
  2. They’re fucking insane these cunts, great to see them having a tantrum.
  3. Even if he wasn’t Oirish, you’d still have a job understanding him with those gravestones in his maw.
  4. So, if we’re doing mugs, here’s one of my favourites from University of North Tyneside
  5. I know he’s the bloke from Nazareth, but can I fuck remember any of their songs
  6. Funnily enough, I was warbling away to Inner City Blues earlier today. Best protest song ever.
  7. Can’t wait for the next one in China/North Korea/Myanmar.
  8. I wouldn’t be too keen on a Prison Stache on my top lip mind- reek!!!!
  9. Ffs… medieval cunts. Best hope there’s no dodgy weather, we all know who’s fault that’ll be…
  10. 8 days? Bloody hell- have your neighbours started ringing bells?
  11. Also, regarding your revisionism comment, if you had to choose a despicable character from your club’s past to airbrush, and your choice was a fascist or a convicted paedophile, you wouldn’t go for the fascist, would you?
  12. What fucking model is that then? They’re like one of those medieval towns that had outbreaks of dancing , utterly mental mass-delusion.
  13. Great interview that mind.
  14. Not going to happen. We’re the lad who everyone knows has done the deed, arrives at the party with a 24 pack, then promptly disappears upstairs with the older sister of whoever’s party it is. We are supreme and we will win at least a cup this year.
  15. My chips are dry, we’re fucking 3rd- Graeme* can lick iz. * absolutely typical that he’s got the unpopular spelling of his name.
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