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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Is this a wifey lying on her side, arse pointing camera-wards, or is she sitting on her arse with her legs out front, but they’ve been twisted 90°to the left?
  2. Kelly Heroes was my favourite film as a kid in the 70s, partly due to Clint being Clint, but mainly due to Sgt. Oddball. “I’m drinking wine and eating cheese, and catching some rays, you know.” RIP
  3. Dustin Hoffman, method actor, stayed up for 48hrs for a scene where he was meant to have been awake for… 48hrs Apparently Olivier’s response was “ Dear boy, just try acting” Anyway, this is like having a root canal.
  4. Missed the first half due to fuck-onery. Was it as turgid as this half so far?
  5. Who are these splitarses pitchside? Wouldnt.
  6. Must be lifting by now. Stander or sitter?
  7. Tbf, that was about the last set of kits that had decent cheese pockets.
  8. Also, coincidentally, their transfer kitty.
  9. Another dumb Tory twat caught betting on the election date https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cd11j1q3y13o
  10. Snap, post, delete. ffs, this is basic level pervery.
  11. I take it you’ve posted the blart pics in the Sunshine Fanny thread, as I’ve zoomed and scanned this and the best I can work with is the back of some slapper’s bikini?
  12. Some wag has definitely set it at “pinhead” size and not told her it’s adjustable
  13. “ Hello everyone This is me turning left… … now we’re turning right. Oh, look, it’s a straight bit of road! Fucking Audi drivers , amirite?” Nah, think I’ll pass
  14. @Howmanheyman If I lived in Peterborough, I’d also be soliciting middle-aged truckers for “coffee”
  15. Made carbonara for the Fists tonight. Having been awake sine since 9pm last night, I may have accidentally necked the better part of a bottle of wine in the process. Guaranteed Kip tonight, though.
  16. Carol Vorderman. https://twitter.com/carolvorders/status/1780565996853506523?s=46&t=w4r-LqU0SUcmGlTte5DwxQ I’ll have two large ones from the top, and a couple of small ones from below please Carol. Giddup!
  17. Allergic reaction to his daughter’s snatch.
  18. Your ex said much the same on her OF. Mid rattle.
  19. How has this wide-mouthed, racist, facist cunt, who’s never been elected, had such an influence on this country’s politics for the last 10 years. I’d happily do the time for offing the cunt, instead of giving him a milkshake shower.
  20. Well, that was an Alf Tupper finish to the game.
  21. He’d be as successful at that as he has been as getting elected as an MP.
  22. Daughters and Pram Staffies lock themselves in the shed before Dad Marra hears this. Ready To Groom meltdown incoming
  23. Fyp The squareheaded cernt
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